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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. The module is pretty much complete I just need to write codes for a small part which is the maitenance period and that has to be automatic like "Airline Manager" on Facebook.
  2. The codes must be in schedules_results.tpl inside the loop in order to pass each flight #, so it's not that a separate loop is required but the one that's already in there. Inside that siply needs a hidden input to pass the flight number to the next page and change the form action to whatever destination BUT withouht a loop it will not work correctly.
  3. When you want to send each flight number separately, you'll need to use a loop through schedules table. The reason the flight number is always the same is because it's not in a loop, so it picks up the first record added in schedules table and pass it on.
  4. Okay! What's going on here!!!!!?
  5. I wrote a module for someone that they create a type like "B738" and all the B738 aircraft will be restriceted as long as they have the same ICAO as "B738". You can check it out at my website "Module Test/try out center-admin/add ons/Aircraft Permit". So you need to create a type like "A320" then you go to pilots/edit and hit the "aircraft permit" and give permit or remove permit to that particular pilot. Now if you have let's say 4 "A320" all 4 will be restricted once you create that type in the first page but they all have to have the same ICAO as "A320".
  6. Follow these steps: 1. Create a "tpl" file and name it "whatevername.tpl". Your case is the form you're talking about 2. Create a folder and name it "whatevername". 3. Create a file and name it "whatevername.php" 4. Inside the "whatevername.php" write the following code: class whatevername extends CodonModule //whatevername must be exactly the same as the name you created in step 2. { public function index() { $this->render('whatevername.tpl'); //The name of the TPL. } } 4a. Put "whatevername.php" inside "whatevername" folder and upload it into your "core/modules". 4b. Upload "whatevername.tpl" intor your "core/templates" 5. Link the "Book" button to your module using: <a href="<?php echo url('/whatevername') ;?>">Book</a> 6. Now this will get you to the TPL form you just created inorder to pass the values of the fileds you have to use the following form tag: <form action="<?php echo url('/something.php') ;?>" method="post" > //"somthing.php" is the page where you want to proccess passed values. Your case "add bid" <input type="text" name="value1"> <input type="text" name="value2"> <input type="text" name="value3"> . . . <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> Inorder to pass "$route->id" you need to use the <form> tag and set method to "post": <form action="<?php echo url('your receivingpage') ;?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $route->id ;?>"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> then in the other page where you wanna send the id you need to add the following to top of the page: <?php $variable = $_REQUEST['id']; ?>
  7. You're welcome. Please mark your post as [solved].
  8. Open local.config.php and look for the following: # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', false); Now change '720' to whatever number you want. That's the time in seconds where the flights will stay on the map. If you couldn't find it there, look in app.config.php and copy and paste it into local.config.php.
  9. I had setup the PIREP table to accept all the data recieved from FSPAX and stored. Also i managed to create a table just like the one in the link and show the proper data from the PIREP table. The config file you recieved needs to go to your FSPassengers/config_va folder. Also in acars module fspax.php needs to be set as well as the PIREP table that needs to be altered and columns need to be added before it works properly. If you want I can help you set it up.
  10. Find the <input> and add *required="requiered"* inside each tag. This way when the form is submitted if the input is empty a message comes up that you have to enter value to the fields. This is only supported in HTML5 so make sure of that.
  11. Alternatively, you could use the follwoing to show only the main airline in the select box: <dd> <select name="code" id="code"> <?php foreach($allairlines as $airline) { if($airline->code == "ABC")//"ABC" is your 3 letter airline's code. { echo '<option value="'.$airline->code.'">'.$airline->code.' - '.$airline->name.'</option>'; } } ?> </select> </dd>
  12. Okay then the field you have created and whatever you named it will store user entered values in phpvms_fieldvalues table with their pilot IDs in your data base.
  13. Have you created you profile field in admin yet?
  14. I just have made a mistake on the table's name, If you have created a new field in admin for VATSIM, then the value for that field will go to phpvms_fieldvalues table.
  15. Parkho


    Okay! A while ago, I uploaded some rank's images based on FSPassengers pilot ranking at the following post, so they might help you: FSPassengers Ranks Images
  16. Parkho


    I'm looking for them in my PC so hang on!
  17. Parkho


    You mean the images?
  18. The table you need to look at is phpvms_pilots.
  19. The code is looking for all aircraft that has the same name and checks if they're enabled or disabled, so I think it should work just fine with aircraft name. Check if Nigeria aircraft has the same name as "B737-700" if not change it so that it works.
  20. Add the following function to your StasData.class.php: public function TotalCargoCarried($airline_code = '') { return self::getTotalForCol(array( 'table' => 'pireps', 'column' => 'load', 'airline_code' => $airline_code, 'where' => array( 'accepted' => PIREP_ACCEPTED, 'flighttype' => 'C', ), 'func' => 'SUM', ) ); } Add the following line to your <div> : <strong>Cargo Carried: </strong><?php echo StatsData::TotalCargoCarried(); ?> lbs<br> Screenshot:
  21. Sorry. I changed the code: if($route->enabled == "0") { continue; }
  22. The FBS V3 is not yet available as it has had some issues for a long time and I need to resolve those issues before I can release it but once it's gonna be available I think I might release it as payware.
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