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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. Yes there is. Open schedule results.tpl and right after the "foreach()" loop add the following code: if($route->disabled == "1") //The $route variable might be something different in your schedule_results.tpl, so make sure of that. { continue; }
  2. Try this: 1. In your OperationsData.class.php add the following function: public function get_aircraft_by_name($name) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE name='$name'"; return DB::get_row($sql); } 2. In your schedule_results.tpl after "foreach" loop add the following: $enable = OperationsData::get_aircraft_by_name($route->aircraft); if($enable->enabled == "0") { continue; } I have not tested this so just give it a try and if it has an issue let me know.
  3. yes it's possible. You need to get the route's aircraft, put it in a function to see if it's enabled. The results will be 0 for disabled or 1 for enabled then you say if the route's aircraft enabled is equal to 0 (disabled) then continue showing the next route meaning hiding the route from the results.
  4. You can use it in your default schedule search.
  5. Where you want to use it. Normally people will add that to their website's front page.
  6. You need to remove the pagination if you want to show all pilots. Replace the attached file in admin/templates/pm folder. pilot_manager.zip
  7. PIREPS report aircraft ID in the table, so add the following to your "OperationsData.class.php": public function GetAircraftById($id) { $sql="SELECT * FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE id='$id' "; return DB::get_row($sql); } And: $aircraft = OperationsData::GetAircraftById($pirep->aircraft); <?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?> This will give you aircraft full name.
  8. A new version of PilotManager is now available. Change Log: -New look. -Sending email is now from a drop down. (Thanks to aarbee for the idea). -Pagination styles has been changed. Download & Install: Get the new version and instructions from Github. Try-Out: Visit my website and click "Module Test"
  9. That's because your ACARS reports the fuel amount in KG.
  10. Can you email me your pilot_manager.tpl file to parkho@parkho.ir?
  11. I just noticed a bug in pilot_manager.tpl and fixed the links to images. Please re download that particular file. Thanks
  12. Images are supposed to go to admin/lib/images folder.
  13. I think you have skin problem. In that area, unfortunately, I can't help you.
  14. You can add this to your page: <?php $pilotid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $report = PIREPData::getlasreports($pilotid, 1); $aircraft = OperationsData::getaircraftinfo($report->aircraft); ?> <table> <tr><td>Aircraft</td><td>Aircraft Location</td></tr> <tr><td><?php echo $aircraft->name ;?></td><td><?php echo $report->arricao ;?></td></tr> </table> You can add this to any page that you want.
  15. You could go to your DB/ phpvms_airlines/ structure and change the Length/Values of "code" column from "3" to "5". Then you can add an airline or edit your current airline to a 5 letter code.
  16. It's because the PIREP is still in PIREPS table in database. I think it's not deleted there, so look for it in the table and delete it manually.
  17. I think yes. Remove it to see if the page is fixed.
  18. Yes, that's what i meant Daniel Just didn't write it right.
  19. Where are you loading the page from? Is it in pilot profile? or front page?
  20. I think you added "Announcement" at top and that's why. If you need that, I suggest you add it to your schedule_results.tpl or the search form cause those 2 are different and the module shows the search form at the top and then renders the schedule_results at the bottom once you click on search button.
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