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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. yw. Glad it helped. Please mark your post as solved.
  2. you will need to remove the check box at the bottom of your created page where it says "Enabled?" and check the one that says "Public?" in admin center pages. Now I think you have the page published and in navigation.tpl you can link to it using drop down.
  3. Like this: This is the code I use in schedule_results.tpl : <table> <tr> <th align="center" bgcolor="black"><font color="white">Flight Map</font></th> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> <?php $string = ""; $string = $string.$route->depicao.'+-+'.$route->arricao.',+'; ?> <img width="100%" src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=680x200&PM=pemr:diamond7:red%2b%22%25I%22:red&PC=%230000ff" /> </td> </tr> </table>
  4. how many aircraft do you have in your fleet? The default reports_aircraft.tpl, was it showing before replacement?
  5. Did you replace the tpl with the one you had in admin/templates?
  6. is two a page or a variable?
  7. Are you using the default reports_aircraft.tpl?
  8. Josh90, To test the beta version of aircraft maintenance, go to my website at www.parkho.ir/Module Test/Login using the provided info and click on "Try out center - admin" click on "Add Ons" and then hit "Aircraft Manager". This will give you an idea of how it works but I'm still working on the part that when the aircraft goes for maintenance for x amount of time, disable the aircraft and the schedule until x is over and then enable the aircraft and schedule. Right now it all can be done manually but I want this to be done automatically. GrizzW, Yes it can be viable add on but certainly not a free one.
  9. Change this: $acstats = AircraftUsage::aircrafts(); foreach($acstats as $stat)----- this is line 4 { To this: $stats = AircraftUsage::aircrafts(); foreach($stats as $stat)----- this is line 4 {
  10. Sorry! Add the following to the reports_aircraft.tpl right after "<?php" : $acstats = AircraftUsage::aircrafts();
  11. Why not asking Simpilot for it?
  12. Mine's adding all the hours correctly unless the submitted PIREP has empty field in flight hour.
  13. This one is in PilotData.class.php: public static function changePilotRank($pilotid, $rankid) { $rank = RanksData::getRankInfo($rankid); if (!($rank_level = RanksData::getRankLevel($rankid))) { return false; } return self::updateProfile($pilotid, array( 'rankid' => $rank->rankid, 'rank' => $rank->rank, 'ranklevel' => $rank_level )); } And this is in RanksData.class.php: public static function calculatePilotRanks() { /* Don't calculate a pilot's rank if this is set */ if (Config::Get('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE') === false) { return; } $ranks_list = self::getAllRanks(); $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); if (count($pilots) == 0 || !is_array($pilots)) { return; } foreach ($pilots as $pilot) { self::calculateUpdatePilotRank($pilot->pilotid, $ranks_list); } } Hope these help.
  14. I'm not sure if that's helping but change "true" to "false" in the following line and see if it makes any differences: Config::Set('SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT', true); Not Tested though, so don't know.
  15. I created my own class file and changed the tpl. AircraftUsage.zip
  16. This means you're missing "core_error.tpl" in admin/templates folder. What you can do is to restore the tpl from phpvms download and upload it to the mentioned location. Also, you're doing something wrong or you're not filling all the required fields and that's why you end up with the error message and that error message uses "core_error.tpl" and "core_error.tpl" is not there, so you get this message instead.
  17. Do you need a live map like phpvms when the pilot starts the client like kACARS?
  18. Set the inactive day to 1 and wait until 12 midnight.
  19. Nothing's hard to do in my opinion. There is always a solution to the task one intend to do.
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