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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. It's a known issue, Geonames is down so you have to change your API server. Search the forums.
  2. I've noticed that it's rare to see internal commentary in module releases. Is this because no one likes it, or is it just that no one bothers?
  3. Is this external from phpVMS itself? Are you accessing it from site.com/lib/skins/page.php? If you are you'll need to include the config: include('/home/username/public_html/core/codon.config.php'); Then use: $pilots = PilotData::getAllPilots(); Make sure the include() is the first thing on your page to avoid header errors.
  4. Development hasn't started on this. I think I'd need to re-design it as the way it functions just now is very inefficient and poor. It won't take particularly long, but I am currently working on another project at the moment meaning I am focussing on it instead. I'll fling this on my to-do list.
  5. Quick update folks, development is in full swing and is coming along slowly but surely. Late July/early August may still be possible if I push on, however it's a relatively complex concept one down to the nitty gritty. I'll keep you all updated
  6. What are you actually trying to do here? Delete all comments older than 3 months? In that case, it would be: DELETE FROM pirepcomments WHERE postdate < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)
  7. Better, but I don't like the Joomla-type design. It's too complicated for what it is.
  8. It's also difficult for them considering it's an English speaking forum and a large group of members' first language is not English.
  9. I only looked briefly at your code but make sure your colums and values are in order. $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft ( `icao`, `name`, `fullname`, `registration`, `downloadlink`, `imagelink`, `range`, `weight`, `cruise`, `selcal`, `maxpax`, `maxcargo`, `minrank`, `ranklevel`, `enabled`) VALUES ( '{$data['icao']}', '{$data['name']}', '{$data['fullname']}', '{$data['registration']}', '{$data['downloadlink']}', '{$data['imagelink']}', '{$data['range']}', '{$data['weight']}', '{$data['cruise']}', '{$data['selcal']}’, '{$data['maxpax']}', '{$data['maxcargo']}', {$data['minrank']}, {$rank_level}, {$data['enabled']})"; Try that. You'll see that in the column listing it's after 'cruise' and before 'maxpax'. Keep it that way throughout your code. Also, I'm assuming this is the order it's in in the table?
  10. That would be English. I suppose you could do it by adding it as a setting, or even a variable somewhere. Then, if $numberofpilots => $max, display a message, or else display the registration form.
  11. Sorry that's what I meant. You have to ensure that in your template file on the admin panel (the page you add the aircraft on) you have a field named 'selcal', otherwise there is no data being handled.
  12. Edit the MySQL table first and then go through your core/common/AircraftData.class.php and add the relevant modifications in wherever necessary. Do the same for the admin panel templates. The relevant modifications being, for example, if the function was for adding an aircraft, adding to the SQL.
  13. I don't see the point in this. It would take so much work what with the number of airlines starting up and closing again. And like Tom said, I wasn't even sure if I was on the right page, there are skins and stuff on that page too. You seem to have an issue with the data too, unless it's the users. Monarch Virtual is apparently based at Wellington with a fleet of Dash 8s.
  14. phpVMS is irrelevant to the situation. Which one are we talking about?
  15. It's an interesting thought, but it would be one hell of an investment if you plan on creating 3D models of every airport on the AA network.
  16. Site is decent, although it's starting to become one of many with a common design. As for the content, it's not very helpful when all pages require login apart from the roster and register pages.
  17. Delta is the only airline in the world with that fleet.
  18. A month on and barely any progress I'm afraid, too much happening this month. Less hectic times are coming though, I'll do my best. Provided everything goes well, I might have it done by late July/early August.
  19. I'm not sure if that was sarcasm or not, I hope it was. Picking an airline off a list is not the way to go. What's your existing one?
  20. It's not CSS, I believe it's in your local.config.php. As usual, if not, copy it from your app.config.php.
  21. I see what he means now, I thought he meant map navigation. In that case I'd recommend opening it in a new tab if you really don't want it integrated.
  22. There is for me. I think it's alright, it's a nice idea.
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