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Sava last won the day on June 10 2019

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    Belgrade, Serbia

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  1. Do you have the most recent version of LOA? I am getting outdated err in my admin.


    Thank you,



  2. Np.
  3. Take your most recent pirep from the DB. What is in the raw_data column? If there is data there, you can get it working. Take a look at the exaple Chart.js charts and you'll see the format it requires. It should be a simple JS array format data = [1,2,3,4] etc. And then each element of the array should have an associated element in the labels array. But check the docs for this. A quick solution would be to just generate a script that creates a properly formatted string, and call it inside the .tpl/.php file. I guess the better way would be to perform some sort of AJAX call to get the data then do a $.each() on the array. Did this for a VA. Take a look at the part of the code
  4. Do you have the data in the row of the PIREP? If so, it should be fairly easy. Check out Chart.js. It's a good library for making all sorts of charts/grahps etc.
  5. I missed your post. If you are still interested, let me know and we can talk.
  6. As magicflyer has said, while the service I provide might seem a bit expensive at first glance, the schedules are the most up to date and with as much data as it is possible. Previous customers of mine can testify of this. Any questions you may have before your order - let me know.
  7. Like I thought, you're including the $page_content in the wrong place. It is placed inside the col-md-4 div, and the rest is part of your layout. What you need to do is move the parts you don't want to be shown on each page, and only on the frontpage, to frontpage_main.php Then, include the $page_content in a proper place. Finally, you have an error in your layout.php with the page title missing, and being filled in with javascript code. You'll need to fix that as well for other things to work, such as live map, booking and so on. I can provide those services to you. If you're interested, send me a message. Regards
  8. Do you have a link? Most probably, you're having the content for your frontpage in your layout, rather than in frontpage_main.php That is the first thing that comes to mind.
  9. Hey guys, without looking at the code, I think I entered to account for the difference in time. A huge part of the module is still legacy code from when I was still learning. I'll get the update done soon. (And send it for you to review Ray :P)
  10. Open up the PopUpNews and Screenshots file in core/common and find the following: public function PopUpNewsList () ... change to public static function PopUpNewsList () ... Notice the word 'static' between public and function. Add it ;). Same for Screenshots.
  11. Sava


    Well, as the error says, that "(" before $count is not expected. Not sure if other parts of your code are Ok, but if you just delete the ($count) part it will get rid of the error.
  12. Thanks. To all, I've updated the module. As Ray has told me, it should work correctly. Download https://github.com/savamarkovic/phpvms_loa Regards Sava
  13. If you can, shoot me your FTP details (along with a test pilot account) to PM and I'll take a look. Glad it works
  14. Cool. Thanks. Let me know how it works.
  15. Found the version. Here is it, haven't checked it if it works, but if you're willing to let me know. http://www.savamarkovic.com/loa.zip Needs a full update, so you'll need to delete your old loa table.
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