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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. At the beginning of the thread.... And I beleieve it has not been implemented into the beta.
  2. Look for lines 152 and 153, I just checked the download and it is there.
  3. My guess is that your field is not VATSIM ID but maybe Vatsim Id or some variant. They have to match in all respects. If they do, then check and see if there is any data in the table column. One thing you could do to avoid the table not being right when the variable is empty is something like this -> <?php $customfield = PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); if(!$customfield) {$customfield = '&nbsp';} echo '<td>'; echo $customfield; echo '</td>'; ?> That will just put blank space in the table cell which will make it bring the line across or complete the frame.
  4. You should be using something like this to make the info display in the table <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> To change how the pilots are sorted find line 85 in PilotData.Class.php -> Should be: ORDER BY p.pilotid DESC"; Change it to: ORDER BY p.pilotid ASC";
  5. You would have to use a frame or such to include the page on your site. I think you would be better served to find the xml or rss feed for the data and parse that directly into your own page and display the items you want to. I was looking for the same thing for airport delays and ended up using the xml feed from the FAA airport status page like this ->http://phpvmsdev.simpilotgroup.com/index.php/Content/delays
  6. Delete button is on the list for next release The tracking as to what routes etc.. vs what tests have been taken can be done. I will have to think about it. Do you have the ranks tied into your available schedules now? I think that is how it would all have to tie together....
  7. google - smf forum ssi.php all the functions you are looking for already exisit in smf forum boards to display latest posts and other info from the forum on your website
  8. What version are you running? If it is below around 785 it will not support the new beta2.1 which I am guessing is the issue. You can remove the CodonData to bypass the error but there are other functions that will not work unless you are updated past 785.
  9. One small bug found -> When deleteing a sent item it does delete the item but takes you to a non existant template. Open Mail.php and find lines 152-153 $this->set('mail', $result); $this->show('mail_deleted.tpl'); Remove and replace with -> header('Location: '.url('/Mail/sent')); That will take you back to the sent box.
  10. AIRMail Beta 2.1 released -> http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1557.0
  11. AIRMail Beta2.1 The release version (700) of phpVMS will not support AIRMail Beta 2.1 ! The beta version above 785 will support the AIRMail Beta 2.1 system. New Features 1 - Mail sub folder creation 2 - Code updated to reflect new module structure for next release 3 - Protected functions for data posting To Use the "You Have Mail" function place the following code where you would like the notice to appear, it will only appear if the pilot is logged in. <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'checkmail'); ?> To Install 1 - Download the attached package 2 - Unzip the folder and place the files in their appropriate places in your phpVMS install 3 - Run the airmail_new_install.sql file in your phpVMS database using phpmyadmin or similar (If you have been testing the first version (AIRMail Beta) you will have to drop the existing airmail table and replace it with the airmail_new_install.sql file, many changes have been made since the first beta and the new edition will not work within the old db table) If you have been using AIRMail Beta2 you need to use the airmail_update.sql file to update the existing table and add a new folders table. 4 - Create a link on your site for your pilots to access their AIRMail The main link has changed for previous versions! <a href="<?php echo url('/Mail'); ?>">AIRMail</a> 5 - Existing installs of AIRMail can delete the mail_deleted.tpl and mail_sent.tpl files from the templates folder they are no longer used. AIRMail_beta2.1(lic).zip
  12. Working on that one for the next release - An entrance exam.
  13. put a print_r($allpilots); right at the start of the page and refresh it, see if any of the pilot data is there. Also - did you update the MailData.Class.php file when you updated everything else?
  14. Can you pastebin the template you are using for mail_new.tpl so I can look at it
  15. Is it an empty drop down or no drop down at all? I have it running on a beta past that version without any issue.
  16. Hi Eddie - did you update all the files from the first beta with the files for the second one? The first version did not have a drop down for pilots. Also, what version phpVMS are you running, I think I may have to do some work to adhere to the newer beta structure for modules.
  17. simpilot

    Bids page

  18. simpilot

    Bids page

    http://pastebin.com/d523acb47 try this
  19. simpilot

    Bids page

    OK - The issue is at the start of the file - the echo never gets closed and you reopen php again without closing it. Hang on and I will pastebin a new one.
  20. simpilot

    Bids page

    line 26 as well <tr id="bid<?php echo $bid->bidid ?>"> add semi colon <tr id="bid<?php echo $bid->bidid; ?>"> also eariler post should have reffered to line 27 not 29 - sry also also on line 29 <tr id="bid<?php echo $bid->bidid ?>"> add semicolon <tr id="bid<?php echo $bid->bidid; ?>">
  21. simpilot

    Bids page

    line 29 <td><?php echo $bid->code . $bid->flightnum; ?></td> change to: <td><?php echo $bid->code .' '. $bid->flightnum; ?></td> Think that should fix you up
  22. Does anyone know what the address to the IVAO whazzup file is? I can not seem to find it. ??? Thanks edit - nvr mnd - found it
  23. It will not work on the 700 release, I have used some commands that are not available until the later beta versions of phpVMS. It should work for you when/if you update your system. I am cleaning up the code for the EXAMCenter now and making all the functions refelect the new module structure that Nabeel has put in place.
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