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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I have run into this on some servers and it has been an issue with the link for the rank image that goes on the pilot badge. When a relative path is used /lib/images/ranks/new_hire.jpg the error presents itself. I have had success in using an absolute path to the image http://www.mysite.com/lib/images/ranks/new_hire.jpg
  2. simpilot


    Your server is running out of memory while performing some of the more intensive calculations. There are a couple of ways to fix this. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3998-memory-on-server-issues/page__view__findpost__p__26938 http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5805-pirep-submitt-error/page__view__findpost__p__38989
  3. The latest beta is working for Twitter posts of PIREP activity. The latest beta can be found here http://downloads.phpvms.net/ The main additions beyond the Twitter configuration in the local.config.php file is in the ActivityData.class.php, which I do not think even existed in the release version 934. There is also some cleanup of the Twitter activity in the bootstrap file as well. I have quite a few sites running with the latest beta without any real issues, I would not be scared to update.
  4. The command DB::get_results($query); returns an array from the database, even it is only one line that it is returning. If you only want one line returned and have it in object form then use DB::get_row($query); Then you will have access to it as $variable->vatsimid
  5. I'm assuming you're hosting your site on a shared hosting provider. Basicly the error means that the server has run out of disk space (or your account has used all the space allocated to it), most likely in the /tmp directory. Just call/email the hosting company and they should fix it for you.
  6. Open the form that is included with the module and use the form and input field tags from it in your new form. The dates, adult count, and children counts will not do anything with the module though, it will only be for looks. Also, good luck with EasyJet, a large EasyJet VA was recently contacted by the EasyJet legal department and had to make signifigant changes in order to avoid a legal battle with them. I only say this as I as well went through a long period of development on a different real world based VA only to be completely shut down by their legal department.
  7. Is your new signature's folder writable?
  8. What do the missing schedules have in common? Day of the week missing, active, etc....
  9. Add and adjust the code below to your css file; .pagination ul{ display: inline; } .pagination ul li{ margin-left: 0; padding: 3px 5px; color: #2b6b97; list-style: none; display: inline; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; }
  10. Use colspan to span all the columns you want it to cover in the table. <th colspan="HOWMANY"><img src="my image link" alt="TEXT DESCRIPTION" /></th> or if you are doing it in CSS assign a class to it and use the background function <th class="background" colspan="HOWMANY"><th> css th.background { background: #000; height: 100px; etc.... }
  11. I had the same issues with DAFSIM but I have had pretty good luck setting up the Apollo III version for a few flight sim sites. http://flightsim.apollo3.com/ They also have a fairly active forum for help
  12. I do not usually get involved in this section of the forum or it's threads as I do not want it to appear as a conflict of interest, but this one I think needs to be addressed. The IP address that this post came from is the same as a former member here in the forum, although it is entirely possible that the same IP is now being used by another person, from the same area of the world, doing the same type of work, advertising in the same forum, etc... but that is doubtful. Some interesting threads from this IP; http://forum.phpvms....dpost__p__17705 http://forum.phpvms....dpost__p__19899 - This one has five more links to threads from this IP You can make your own conclusions.
  13. simpilot


    The system uses the name of the module plus the name of your site for the page title unless you redeclare it in your module; class Content extends CodonModule { public $title = 'Welcome'; public function index() { etc...
  14. You will need to change the functions to look for the aircraft data and search for schedule data in the FrontSchedulesData.class.php file. public function findschedules($arricao, $depicao, $airline, $aircraft) { $query = "SELECT phpvms_schedules.*, phpvms_aircraft.fullname AS aircraft, phpvms_aircraft.registration FROM phpvms_schedules, phpvms_aircraft WHERE phpvms_schedules.depicao LIKE '$depicao' AND phpvms_schedules.arricao LIKE '$arricao' AND phpvms_schedules.code LIKE '$airline' AND phpvms_schedules.aircraft LIKE '$aircraft' AND phpvms_aircraft.id LIKE '$aircraft'"; return DB::get_results($query); } public function findaircrafttypes() { $query = "SELECT DISTINCT fullname FROM phpvms_aircraft"; return DB::get_results($query); } public function findaircraft($aircraft) { $query = "SELECT id FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE fullname='$aircraft'"; return DB::get_results($query); } And on line 33 of airport_search.tpl change it to; {echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->fullname.'">'.$aircraft->fullname.'</option>';}
  15. It looks like that there must be a reference to a full url in that template instead of a relative one. Change that when you find it or change the setting of the open_basedir on your server.
  16. Remove the "." from your operator and also single quote the $pilotid $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."schedules (code, flightnum, deptime, arrtime, daysofweek, price, flighttype, enabled) VALUES ('CFC', '$pilotid', '00:00', '00:00', '0123456', '0', 'P', '1')"; DB::query($sql); Also, be sure you are putting it prior to return true; on line 173 and that the schedule code is a valid code in your database. It seems to work on my test install.
  17. I'm not sure but I do not believe xACARS transmits any of that data, and you just get an "Enroute" response.
  18. simpilot


    This may help you out a little, I posted an example on how to do this here -> http://david-clark.net/phpvms-content-module/
  19. You could add a couple of lines within the schedule results template to filter out all the flights that do not orignate fromt he pilots last PIREP arrival location. It would not prevent them from flying other routes but it would prevent the other routes from easily being seen in the schedule. In your schedule results.tpl file somewhere around line 17 (depending on what version you are using and what modifiacations have already been made). You are looking for; <?php foreach($allroutes as $route) { right after this make a couple of blank lines and add something like this; <?php foreach($allroutes as $route) { if (Auth::LoggedIn()) { $last = PIREPData::GetLastReports(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); if($last->arricao != $route->depicao) {continue;} } This should skip any schedule that does not have the same departure airfield as the last arrival airfield from the pilot's last PIREP. If the user is not logged in, the code will just be skipped.
  20. Not sure if this might be what you are looking for but you can create a custom module to display pages within the system without using the pages editor in the admin panel. This can be especially helpful if the pages you are trying to use include php code as the editor sometimes makes this nearly impossible. You can find a quick post with a basic example here -> http://david-clark.net/phpvms-content-module/
  21. All code is now hosted on Github, link in my signature
  22. You can adjust the width of the select boxes using style with a width attribute applied to the select; <select name="name" style="width: 300px"> //Options </select>
  23. Read the instructions closely for the Authenticate url.
  24. Looks like there have been some changes to the Auth class between the stable and the latest beta. I think if you change Auth::$pilot-> to Auth::$userinfo-> on lines 78, 83, & 87 I think it will fix the issue. Please let me know if this solves it and I will add it to the read me and install instructions. I think the changes were made here -> https://github.com/p...e/modules/Login in April 2011 on version 2.1.934-141
  25. What version of phpvms are you using?
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