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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Was the system able to send email using just the default php mail function prior to setting the SMTP to true?
  2. I have to agree with these comments. For a person that presents himself as a 20+ year developer of software, you offer very little help, only criticism of other people's work. I could understand your critical nature if this was a commercial software package, but it is open source, maybe you need to look up what that means. It is community based, no one here is paid for the work they contribute to the project. If you want to complain, that's fine, but be part of the solution, although it seems that you are not capable at this point of participating in a constructive aspect. It seems that being critical of everything is your nature in life, by your comments of requiring va pilots to pass numerous tests to join your va and then constant oversight of every little aspect is not going to win you many members. These are virtual airlines, they are for fun, not for people that need to feel important and micro manage others like yourself. I certainly hope your new va is perfect when it goes live, because it will certainly be scrutinized by the members here after your constant condemnation of phpVMS and the people here. PS: Sorry to hijack the thread Jeff.
  3. I guess my first question would to ask what errors needed to be fixed? Have you changed the core of the module? The module is built around one aircraft, one looping route. You can extend the code to acomplish what you are looking for but it is not built into the module as it stands.
  4. There is a thread that has some of the base information for including the codon.config.php file in a stand alone page. It also has some links to other threads with some good information. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3686-implenting-codonconfigphp-in-a-standalone-php-page/page__p__25097__hl__%22pages%22__fromsearch__1#entry25097
  5. This is probably a question best answered by Jeff, I imagine it could be tied to the login you use for the KAcars application. Moving post to KACARS forum.
  6. If the file tree is in the root/phpVMS folder and not in root/phpVMS/install folder, which is how it should be you will need to remove the /install from the url definition in the local.config.php file and overwrite the one on the site with it.
  7. Download the local.config.php file from the root/core folder and open it in a text editor of some sort (note pad, word pad, etc..) and check the setting I outlined above. I think you will find that the url setting has a /install at the end for some reason. Also check your file tree, is it actually yoursite/install/phpVMS or is it yoursite/phpVMS
  8. Now that I really look at the error, it seems odd. The frontpage_main.tpl file is on the pilot side "root/core/templates", yet there is not one on the admin side. Does it exist still in that folder? Did you change the structure of the file tree at all?
  9. Look in the frontpage_recentpilots.tpl file. You would build that into the table there.
  10. www.yoursite.com/index.php/schedules
  11. Looking at your page source it looks like there is an install folder that everything is inside of, not sure. <link rel="stylesheet" media="all" type="text/css" href="http://www.bluexpressvirtu.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/install//lib/skins/crystal/styles.css" /> Check in the local.config.php file in the core folder and see what the site url is defined as. it should be define('SITE_URL', 'http://www.bluexpressvirtu.joomlafree.it/phpVMS'); I think you may have /install on the end of that by mistake. Something is odd that the base template will show up but the css is not linked...
  12. The second link should be -> www.bluexpressvirtu.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/index.php/login There is something going on in the background - none of the pages will completely load for me. Can you try running www.bluexpressvirtu.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/install/checkinstall.php and www.bluexpressvirtu.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/install/checkdb.php and post the output. Free host is going to be trouble for you by the looks of it so far.
  13. There is a good starting guide that was produced by bluemax here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=36 I think you will find the answers to most of your questions in it.
  14. You can create a new function built around the existing data call. DownloadsData::GetDownloads($categoryid) I would build a new module so the function will not get overwritten in an update. Maybe something like: core/modules/Mydownloads/Mydownloads.php <?php class Mydownloads extends CodonModule { function get_category_downloads($categoryid) { $this->set('downloads', DownloadsData::GetDownloads($categoryid)); $this->show('mydownloads.tpl'); } } Build a template named mydownloads.tpl and display the data as you would like. <?php if($downloads) { foreach($downloads as $download) { echo $download->name //all the database table columns should be available to you here } } else { echo 'There are no downloads available';} ?> Then use a link including your category id; www.mysite.com/index.php/mydownloads/get_category_downloads/mycategoryid You could also copy the commands from the admin side for the page that displays the downloads by category and use it to build a display on the pilot side.
  15. Did you erase the default tempate files for the admin section accidently when you were loading up the exam admin files? Look in admin/templates and see if there are any files there, namely the frontpage_main.tpl file. There should be 60+ files in that folder.
  16. You could add a column to the downloads table for rank requirement, similar to the aircraft table. Then use something like: if($category->ranklevel > Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel) { continue; } within the foreach statement in your downloads.tpl file so it skips the catagories that are above the users rank.
  17. Check the database and see if you have a permission set for pilot 1 group 1. It is odd, you should have been set as an admin when you created the database and site configuration. It has not been an issue in the past.
  18. How can you iron out kinks in a statistical function when there are no stats (or pireps in this case) to examine? The module was not designed to work on a vs site with no pireps. As far as adding a caption, I try to leave template files as bland and generic as possible at this point to make it as easy as I can for members to integrate the module into their own skin.
  19. The module is looking for the first filed pireps and when it does not find one it reverts back to the start of Unix time stamps which is 1/1/70, but with the 20 plus years of php experience you have previously thrown in my face I imagine you understand that. As far as supporting Spanish, that is up to you to modify, once again a veteran of your caliber should be able to accomplish this.
  20. You will need to change a number of things. You can use the coding that is in the post to change the display to German and change the variables to what you need. A listing of all the php supported timezone (and langauge) variables is located here -> http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
  21. Looks like you are not running PHP 5.2 or higher on the server or the pecl extension is not enabled on the server. Try running www.yoursite.com/install/checkinstall.php and see what is output. It will tell you the version of PHP the server is running.
  22. It will solve your PIREP issue, and probably some others you have not seen yet. The admin issue of the module not existing is the url you are using. It should be http://www.yoursite.com/admin/index.php If you are the pilot that installed the system you should see an admin link in the menu after you login that will take you the admin panel.
  23. I just added it to my test site here -> http://www.simpilotgroup.com/beta and it works in ie8 but not in ff. In layout.tpl I put it between <?php /*Any custom Javascript should be placed below this line, after the above call */ ?> and </head> The browser compatibility issue is with the script itself, not phpVMS.
  24. open_basedir restriction in effect Your host has the open_basedir protection tweak in effect. Is this shared hosting maybe? You will have to have that disabled by your host to get rid of the error. They can exclude certain users from it so they do not have to open it to everyone on the server if that is their excuse for not doing it.
  25. Is this a new install, or is it a sudden issue with an existing install? You really should not have to modify the admin files for the basic functionality to work, that part of the system has been stable for quite some time. Have you tried running the scripts to check the file tree and the database? To see if there are any errors in the actual files or the database try running: www.mysite.com/install/checkinstall.php and www.mysite.com/install/checkdb.php If you have deleted your install folder you will have to put a copy back in place.
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