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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. simpilot

    SMF forum

    I find it easiest to use the default forum theme as a template. You can adjust the page from two layout files and one css file really. Make a copy of the default theme folder and rename it. then start messing with the style.css file and the index.template.php file, those are the two main layout files. Be sure to change the css link in the header of the index.template.php file. You will also make use of the BoardIndex.template.php file, this is the layout for the forum boards themselves. You can also create a new template completely but there is a lot of code that needs to be oncluded in the template for all the functions of the board to work correctly. I think I have seen a boiler plate clean template for smf 1.1.11 somewhere in their forums. Might want to search for that as well. If you run into any blockades, let me know I will try to help you out. One other trick is to find a template you like for smf and then adapt it to phpvms, that is much quicker as well.
  2. Good, i'm glad you got it working
  3. simpilot

    SMF forum

    You guys lost me a little? are you trying to configure the small phpvms forum that i wrote or tying to skin smf as it is in this example. http://www.newenglandvirtual.com and the smf forum here http://www.newenglandvirtual.com/forums
  4. @bravo27 - check your folders to see if the structure is correct and that the files are actually there. That error is telling you that the system can not find the file that is supposed to be there.
  5. I get that error whenever I am on a machine running ie7. ie8 seems to have no issues with the jquery tables in the admin side of the system. The latest version of ff also handles the code well.
  6. You can not ask for more than a man willing to step up to the plate and take responsibility. This has nothing to do with me but I commend you for your honesty. +100
  7. The domain name newenglandvirtual.com comes up for renewal on September 4th 2010. It has a decent rank in the google search pages and has been registered for one year. If anyone is interested in trying to continue with it I will transfer it to you. All costs of the transfer and registration renewal will be your responsibility.
  8. Just grabbed your pastebin Mark, sorry the last few days have been a blur. I will see what I can do with it here this evening.
  9. you can use the substr function from php <?php echo substr($yourvariable, 0, 50); ?> Will output the first 50, well actually 51 characters of your variable. you are telling it to start at character 0 and end at character 50. you can start and stop it where ever you would like. Hope this helps.
  10. Clear the cache and reset the ranks from the adminpanel. That will probably bring everything back in line.
  11. I loaded your script on my local server and it works fine, no errors outside of not having the images. It may be the way your server is configured, try putting the file in another directory and linking to the config file with the new path.
  12. @Tom I will have to check out your tool again Tom, I did not realize it would pull the real world fleet for an airline with the registrations and all.
  13. You only need to set the options for SMTP if you are using that method. Most va's are using the php mail function, and if it was working without those settings enabled, then I would not believe that was the issue, unless you have changed server settings for your mail modules. Have you changed the admin address in the admin panel?
  14. Have you tried a different browser? Is there any errors in the browser while on that page? What type of host is the site on? (freeweb, shared, vps, dedicated, etc..) Do the pilot list and airports list work? (they are all based on the same code)
  15. My point was not so much where I was getting the data but more that you can take the data from a site like that and create a csv file and with a small ammount of editing can import it into a sql database. I took the information from that site for Westjet and had the aircraft in the database in the matter of about 10-15 minutes, instead of putting each one into the system individually.
  16. You can enable error logging here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=31
  17. I used this site to get the fleet for Westjet and loaded it into a excel table and midified it to match the sql table then imported it into the database. I believe that the site has most of the worlds airlines listed. http://www.airfleets.net/flottecie/WestJet%20Airlines-active-b737ng.htm
  18. Can you post your code to pastebin and post the link here in the forum. Please dont post entire pages of code here in the forum.
  19. Works for me in ie8.
  20. Has someone changed the settings in your config file? Do you still receive email on your domain? Are there any errors in your server logs? Are there any errors in the phpvms logs? If you have no logs try enabling them and see what pops up.
  21. Answered many times... Search will find -> in local.config.php find # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false); and change it to # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', false); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', false);
  22. Maybe I am mis-understanding but I thought you were building basically a standalone site for your pilots to use but still use the data from phpvms. ie -> your phpvms is "root/phpvms" and your pilot center is "root/pilotcenter" so your pilotcenter is operating outside of the phpvms install. if you are within phpvms you would already have access to the data and functions. If you are just trying to bypass the skin and work within the phpvms install then I would use the action.php method. When I say whitespace, check and see if there are any spaces after the last php tag in your files, have those will give you the "headers already sent" error
  23. You dont have any schedules set up for '6' in the daysofweek field, which is Saturday......
  24. Are you starting a session in your standalone file? it is either that or you have white space after your closing php tag.
  25. Your error shows that you are trying to find the file in I don't think you have your file in the php library.You need to have the complete path to the file if it in not in the same directory or a sub directory of where the file is that is calling it. -> if phpvms is set up in the root then it should be something like -> ../core/codon.config.php or if that will not work try http ://www.yoursite.com/core/codon.config.php if phpvms is in a subfolder than you will have to add that to the path in your include function.
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