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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. You dont have any schedules set up for '6' in the daysofweek field, which is Saturday......
  2. Are you starting a session in your standalone file? it is either that or you have white space after your closing php tag.
  3. Your error shows that you are trying to find the file in I don't think you have your file in the php library.You need to have the complete path to the file if it in not in the same directory or a sub directory of where the file is that is calling it. -> if phpvms is set up in the root then it should be something like -> ../core/codon.config.php or if that will not work try http ://www.yoursite.com/core/codon.config.php if phpvms is in a subfolder than you will have to add that to the path in your include function.
  4. I will look this weekend, forgot about it honestly....
  5. You can delete the exams from the adminpanel. When you delete an exam it will orphan the questions assigned to it and they will show up in the list as unassigned, but you can delete the individual questions as well. To change to only 3 answers you would have to modify every tpl file that has anything to do with questions and answers, modify both the exams and exams_admin controllers, and also the examsData.class.php file. Look around through all those and change everything from sets of 4 to sets of 3.
  6. With smf isn't it easier to just use the built in features of ssi.php that is already installed with the board? Here is the one from the westjetvirtual board, http://www.westjetvirtual.net/forum/ssi_examples.php if you have smf installed you should be able to get to it by - path to your forum/ssi_examples.php
  7. Check the database and see if it is active "1", clear the cache again as you did for phpvms and also clear your browser cache/temp files.
  8. To change the skin from the admin panel you need to go to - admin/general settings - not admin/template diff - On that page you will find a drop down for the choice of skins that are available in your skin folder. Choose the one you want and save the setting using the save button at the bottom.
  9. What errors is firefox - firebug spitting out?
  10. Try another browser, i have had trouble in the past with these pages and certain browsers.
  11. If you are trying to lose the phpvms layout and have a different layout for your pilot module but still use data from phpvms and the functions built in to it, there are two ways you can do it. 1 - action.php instead of index.php will bypass the template structure and you can direct the function to bring up a template that has only what you want in it. 2 - create your own pages and load the codon structure at the start to make all the functions available in your stand alone page -> <?php include_once'path to /codon.config.php'; ?>
  12. The system automatically already updates the pilots table with the newest login date and ip address.
  13. simpilot

    Reset VA

    Create a clean database then import your pilot list, airports, and schedules would probably be the easiest way.
  14. The two have nothing to do with each other, my guess is you erased, or added, somthing to the config file that is causing the issue.
  15. Did you do a print_r? what was output?
  16. I would dig back through the thread, I think there are some fixes along the way. The developer has abandoned the project I believe, he has not been around since April.
  17. Try a <?php print_r($total); ?> after the data call and see what it pukes out. if it empty something in the db call is not correct, I use the screenshot in the first post to write the call, so if something in your db is different than that it will not work.
  18. I built one for smf 1.1.11 here ->http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2916-smfregister-10/ - you can take that and adapt the basic idea to your Wolf Board.
  19. From the looks of the url you have dropped some part of the code off, probably part of the php opening tag, it should not be echoing out "url" and all the % signs are open spaces in your url. Take a good look at that.
  20. Create a file called vatsimflightsData.class.php in your core/common folder and put this in it -> <?php class vatsimflightsData extends CodonData { function get_onlineflights() { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)AS total FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pirepvalues WHERE value = 'Yes'"; return DB::get_row($query); } } ?> Then in a template do -> <?php $total = vatsimflightsData::get_onlineflights(); ?> <strong>Total Flights Flown On Vatsim: </strong><?php echo $total->total; ?><br>
  21. You need to create a new class or include it in an existing one, but if you include it in an existing one it will be overwritten in an update of the system. Then when you call it from our module or template (module preferably) you change the mynewdata.class with whatever you name you class.
  22. Try -> PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '10') Change the 10 to how many you want returned.
  23. Wouldn't it be easier to just skin the board the same as your phpVMS install and link to each other? That is what I believe most everyone, myself included, has done with the various forum boards out there.
  24. <?php $total = mynewdata::get_onlineflights(); ?> <strong>Total Flights Flown On Vatsim: </strong><?php echo $total->total; ?><br>
  25. Do you mean an Exam Admin? For that you would use the "add/remove administrators" link from the main exam center management panel, then just click on the pilot you want to change and set them to staff or admin.
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