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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. As they say, it takes all kinds to make the world go round.... As for Mr Mark Friday (saapilot), I did not bother to put out any of the bridges you left burning....
  2. simpilot


    Why do people copy things? Changing a few colors and the header doesn't hide what has been done here. http://www.saavirtual.org - compare the css file to - http://www.westjetvirtual.net All you have to do is ask for help around here and usually someone will be more than happy to lend a hand.....
  3. When you say other sites, do you mean a VA, a forum, and a gallery or such all on the same server or three sites hosted on different servers? Would not be too hard to do if all are in the same place using the same database, you could use the process registration hook to call your functions for the data to be inserted into the local database. You could do about the same thing for off site db inserts but would have to connect to each individually and then close the connection and move to the next etc....
  4. You can add a function in the data class to call just stats for a certain month, I have done it with my va for a monthly contest. Just remember to tell it what year as well or you will be pulling stats for that month for every year you have been in operation.
  5. Are you using -> <?php $admin = ExamsData::check_admin(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); if ($admin->admin_level >= '1') {echo '<a href="'.url('/Exams_admin').'">EXAMCenter Admin</a>';} ?> as is in the setup instructions? Are you set as an admin for the exam center? By default only the pilot with the database id of 1 is an admin until more are assigned. If you are not #1 in the database it will send you back to the home page. Also, what version are you running, are you on 2.x or still on 1.0?
  6. Outside of all the popups it seems to work fine for me using both ie8 and ff.
  7. You will have to change the coding a number of places but you could base all the if commands off of an hours configuration. Most of your work will be in the controller, look around for where it is calling for money and change it all to hours. There is a built in sql call in the pilots data class to get pilot hours to compare to your needs.
  8. The "pilotid#" variable will vary in which template you are showing it. In your profile page it is $userinfo->pilotid
  9. exams_admin is not in the site admin panel, it stands alone, you have to link to it.
  10. If you have a database built and the files uploaded goto www.yourste.com/install/install.php and it will guide you form there.
  11. The gallery is set up to tile four pics across in a row before it starts another one. You can adjust the template to whatever you would like. There is a while loop in the template that is looking for "4", change that and the surrounding parameters to what you want.
  12. The solution is the second post in the thread.
  13. The only delete type function is in the approval list, if you want to delete something you already approved you will have to change it in the database, something to think about if nother version is written. It should be uploading png files without issue, my guess is that you are over the allowable file size.. you can change that in screenshots.php on line 56, I set it at 2mb but you can make it bigger if you want. ($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["size"] < 2000000))
  14. Looks like the template file is not in the correct path.... it needs to be as it is in the download or in your skin folder. root/core/templates/touchdownstats/(tpl files) or root/lib/skins/(your skin folder)/touchdownstats/(tpl files)
  15. Now I see said the blind man...
  16. The little bit I can see looks like it is missing the opening php tag before line 87, you close the previous one at the top of the page. <?php } ?>
  17. There is currently no way to disable the skin without hacking the core. What I have done in the past when I wanted to display a chart or something outside of the skin is to just create the page I want and in the module just use the php function "include('myfile.php')" and never call a show function. This will only show the contents of the myfile.php file. You can still pass data to the file that way as well.
  18. This looks like a session writing issue, nothing to do with phpVMS. Probably a php/server mis-configuration. What is the site on? free host, shared, vps, dedicated? Does anything else (another app) work on the server?
  19. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3289-screenshotcenter-10/
  20. Updated to 2.0 3/1/2012 - Now includes pagination ScreenshotCenter 2.0 phpVMS module to create a screenshot uploading and display system for your phpVMS based VA. Developed by: simpilot www.simpilotgroup.com Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.940 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in the distribution in your root phpVMS install. -use the screenshotcenter.sql file to create the tables needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. -make sure that the file has created three tables in your database - screenshots, screenshots_comments, and secreenshots_ratings. Create a link for your pilots to get to the ScreenshotCenter <?php echo url('/Screenshots'); ?> -Be sure that the "pics" folder ends up in the root as it is structured in the download and has write permissions. -Templates are generic and will need to be skinned to your site, they do how ever depend on the native phpVMS "error" and "success" divisions, you need to have them in your css or replace them with your own. There may also be a few odd html tags in the template files as I stripped this out of my VA, I had never really intended for it to be released so I never made a plain template structure. Functions Available. To display the newest approved screenshot on your site: <?php Screenshots::show_newest_screenshot(); ?> To display the newest screenshot by a certain pilot on your site: <?php Screenshots::get_pilots_newscreenshot('pilotid'); ?> To display a random approved screenshot on your site: <?php Screenshots::show_random_screenshot(); ?> The links to upload, rate, and add comments are only available to logged in members. The screenshot approval link in the gallery is only available to administrators. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Code hosted on Github - Link In Signature.
  21. If I al following you, the airport page would only show the next flight for the aircraft, that would be like in the real world, and when you click on the aircraft registration number it should bring up a page with all the routes the ac is assigned to and also mark its current location. I think that is how I coded it.
  22. I can tell by the number of question marks and exclamation points that I do not have the ability to help you in this situation. Maybe try reading up on some PHP -> http://php.net/index.php Sorry I could not be of more help.
  23. Sounds like you did not install the database tables for the module. Have you run the sql file in phpmyAdmin to create the tables? If so, are they there or are they corrupted?
  24. Did you try the updated files up about 5 posts? Let me know how you make out.
  25. At this point it would take a pretty big hack into the index template for the module. That function is buried well within the table, something to think about when/if there is another version written.
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