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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Does it do this if you jumpseat to any airport or just this one? For the pilot Center you are going to have to change the code for pilot location to the new module code. The native code does not look for the jumpseat tickets. Try this in profile_main.tpl <?php $location = RealScheduleLiteData::get_pilot_location($userinfo->pilotid); echo $location->arricao; ?>
  2. Sorry about that, I found the issue, it is a caps issue in the folder name that some servers will not handle. I have corrected it and have re-attached the download at the beginning of the thread. Download the new attachment and overwrite the old files with the new.
  3. Give it a whirl guys - http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2791-realschedulelite-beta-10/
  4. This project is no longer being actively developed REALScheduleLite beta 1.0 phpVMS module to create a realistic aircraft placement scenario including jumpseat ticket purchases within your phpVMS managed virtual airline allowing pilots to fly flights available from their current location. ---------------------------------------------- A visible link to http://www.simpilotgroup.com must be provided on any webpage utilizing this script for the license to be valid. ---------------------------------------------- Developed by: simpilot - David Clark www.simpilotgroup.com www.david-clark.net Developed on: phpVMS 2.1.934 php 5.2.11 mysql 5.0.51 apache 2.2.11 Install: -Download the attached package. -unzip the package and place the files as structured in your root phpVMS install. -use the realschedulelite.sql file to create the table needed in your sql database using phpmyadmin or similar. Open local.config.php and add # Jumpseat Ticket Cost Per NM Config::Set('JUMPSEAT_COST', '.25'); Change the '.25' to what you want to charge per mile of flight for a jumpseat ticket for your pilots. As it stands it is set to 25 cents per mile. Create a link for your pilots to get to the Real Schedule Lite dispatch center <?php echo url('/RealScheduleLite'); ?> If you are requiring your pilots to use the Real Schedule Lite routing system you must disable all links to the built in phpVMS schedule listings. Any /index.php/schedules links will take the pilot to the native scheduling system and allow them to bid on any flight in the system. Aircraft and Routes EVERY aircraft must have a looping routing system, in other words, it must return to the airfield it first started at on its last flight leg or it will become stranded. It does not matter how many flight legs are in the route for the aircraft but it must only go to each airfield one time. example of a looping route: flight 1 - KBOS - KATL flight 2 - KATL - KDEN flight 3 - KDEN - KORD flight 4 - KORD - KBOS Each aircraft in your inventory can only be assigned to one looped route. Pilots A new pilot is automatically stationed at the hub he is assigned to. An active pilot will be placed at the arrival location of the last filed PIREP or last jumpseat ticket purchased, whichever is most recent. If a pilot gets "stranded" at an airport all the jumpseat tickets to airports with available aircraft must be purchased but the cost is set at $0. I have included the basis to count how many jumpseat tickets a pilot has purchased, more functionality will come in future versions with this part of the module. Any aircraft and routes that do not follow this method need to be disabled in the admin panel. This is a VERY BASIC BETA version of this module. It only includes basic functionality and does not include the New England Virtual route builder and mapping functions. Released under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License Get The Code Some Screenshots
  5. simpilot


  6. Yes, so why not do -> edit - MD-11 to reg # "temp" or something then edit - B744 reg to U6-RYP then edit - MD-11 reg to U6-USO
  7. You should be able to edit in the admin panel under Airline Operations/Add and edit fleet
  8. It is out with a couple of va's for initial beta testing, as soon as I get some response and correct any major issues I will get an initial release out. I removed some of the functions that are running at NEvA and also updated the code to reflect the newer phpVMS procedures and just want to make sure it is correct.
  9. In the default downloads_list.tpl you would use <?php echo '<img src="'.$download->image.'" />'; ?> within the $download loop for each listing
  10. I like the xml method, I wouldn't change it - once the server is set up correctly it works great and so far seems much more reliable. Great work!!
  11. I was getting the 403 error as well and tracked it down to the server mod-sec file. If you do not have an up to date file it will not allow certain types of xml data to pass and returns the 403 error. The offending lines were: #SecRule HTTP_Content-Type "!(^application/x-www-form-urlencoded$|^multipart/form-data;).*" "deny,log,status:403" #Added a rule_id so that this rule can be disabled. SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "!^(get|head|options|post|put|propfind)$" chain,deny,log,id:90001,status:403 SecRule HTTP_Content-Type "!(^application/x-www-form-urlencoded|^multipart/form-data;).*$" I was able to update the mod_sec file to the newest version and now kACARS connects without issue. (And works quite well, I must say) If you are not on a dedicated server, ie - shared hosting, you may have to have your host make these changes for you, if they will. This solved my connection issues, now if I could just fly right.....
  12. simpilot

    kACARS - Feedback

    Now we know how the name "Crash" has stuck - - sry, couldn't resist....
  13. I am not 100% sure but I think Nabeel built it that way to try and combat the 0123456 and 1234567 issues with flight schedules and the sql tables and the excell import file where 0 or 7 could be a Sunday. I think..... and Crash, if you figure out how to add a Sunday to the weekend, please let me know, I have lost a lot of hair trying to figure it out.
  14. simpilot

    Logo Design

    Thanks Stuart!
  15. Do you need a limit to the number of jumpseat tickets a pilot can buyover a time period? 2 per month or something?
  16. Moving to support. This error is most likely coming from your server - either the firewall or the fsockopen settings are not correct or are locked down for security and not allowing the recapcha to work. I would try contacting your host for that. It could also be coming from the recaptcha server.
  17. I have not been able to see the airport listing on the admin side all the time and I think I came up with the issue. I usually use ie8 and that is when I was having no airports display. Line 43 ops_airportlist.tpl error in IDE - Trailing comma not supported in all browsers ajax:'<?php echo adminaction('/operations/editairport?icao=');?>'+icao, If i remove the comma after icao all the airports show up both in ie8 and ff. checkinstall.php looks good on 931 Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.x ASP Tags [OK] ASP-style tags are disabled Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [OK] No errors found! -- Checked 183 files, found 0 errors
  18. Ok,I'm working on this but need to know what you guys are thinking for the jumpseat ticket charge. A flat rate overall or a cost per mile of flight. I dont think you want to have to set up a cost of every possible jumpseat flight.... Also, I would assume that the ticket would be free if you ended up "stranded" at an airport. ie - you fly an aircraft in and it is the only one there and someone else jumpseats in and flys it out before you come back to fly again.
  19. I think Kritek has abandoned the project, I have not seen him around in some time.
  20. You can get and display custom fields using - if you added a field called "RANK": <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilotid, 'RANK'); ?>
  21. Looking at the source from your page I would guess that your problem stems from this line - <div id="acarsmap" style="width:969px; height: 602px"></div> What is the width of your page, is it less than 969px including and margins and padding elements? It is already aligned for center, it just seems too big to fit in the page.
  22. I show one schedule on your site from here, using ie8. What are you using for a browser? How many schedules should there be?
  23. Ah, then you need - http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2081-total-hours/page__p__13834__hl__TOTAL_HOURS__fromsearch__1entry13834
  24. Hmmmm... It seems to work on my version of 930, what is the link to your site?
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