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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Can you send me the the core/logs folder? Enabled DEBUG_LOG and then try registering or whatever, then send me that logs folder to nabeel at nsslive dot net
  2. Meaning the email to the admin? Or to the user?
  3. Can you enabled DEBUG_LOG and then email me the core/logs folder. Something is very wrong Also run: install/checkdb.php It seems like you might be entering an airline which doesn't exist. Did you change any pilot IDs?
  4. For you, I mean. I tried on your site (the add bids at least). I'll rebuild it right now
  5. Just browse the site/goto your schedules page. It'll output automatically into the log file if there are errors. Email the core/logs folder to nabeel at nsslive dot net
  6. That's not a phpVMS error... I'd contact your host about that. Seems like you're maybe editing through a web interface.
  7. I just tried your site in both IE 8 and FF (to add bids), I'm not getting any errors, seems to be working... strange. Did you try completely clearing your cache and cookies?
  8. Strange, which Firefox version? Also, goto Tools -> Error Console, any errors show up in there? Same for IE 8 - any errors?
  9. Yes, save your local.config.php file, and make a backup of your database (just in case). Then delete all the files, and reupload everything. Then you can either reinstall, or restore your local.config.php. The installer won't overwrite anything in the database, but to be sure, just run the first step (you don't have to do the user setup)
  10. I accepted your registration and made you an admin, let me know how it goes
  11. Yeah, the file you're having trouble with: [Checksum failed] /admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date Is showing up as not matching what it should be. I would re-download 928 (clear your cache and all first). Also the checkinstall script is giving that last error: Which was also fixed in 928 (but present in 927). I think maybe your FTP client (what are you using?) just didn't upload or update those. That'd be a place to start from at least
  12. In one is fine. I'm trying to narrow down what it might be, but the output of install/checkinstall.php file would help. I haven't been able to duplicate any of those (can you try on http://dev.phpvms.net, if you register on there I'll give you admin access to see if you're able to duplicate it there)
  13. In my sig, there's a link for 'get debug info' You can email me the logs/log.txt file that's outputted, perhaps there's an error. I think this came up before once too...
  14. To remove them completely from being listed? In the default schedule_results.tpl, there is some code which does that, make sure you have it in there: /* Skip any schedules which have aircraft that the pilot is not rated to fly (according to RANK), only skip them if they are logged in. */ if(Config::Get('RESTRICT_AIRCRAFT_RANKS') === true && Auth::LoggedIn()) { /* This means the aircraft rank level is higher than what the pilot's ranklevel, so just do "continue" and move onto the next route in the list */ if($route->aircraftlevel > Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel) { continue; } } They won't be able to select that aircraft from the dropdown either, make sure that code is in the pirep_new.tpl
  15. Strange, that line it's erroring on is a comment. Opened a bug, if you can comment on it there (just helps me keep bug related things in one place) http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/VMS-270
  16. If you can give me admin access, that'd be great. I can't duplicate it on my dev site, using IE8 with v928 The pilot's list should be editing right in place. Also, can you paste the output from running install/checkinstall.php? That checks to make sure there are no corrupted files/mismatches files
  17. I registered on your site so I can take a look
  18. Sounds like a script error, can you link to the page, or PM the link to me? I would open Firefox and check the error console as you click the 'add bid' link, perhaps something in the template hasn't been updated
  19. Strange, anything in the debug log? Are there flights setup for today, and are they showing in the admin panel?
  20. It might be in app.config.php, you'd have to copy it into local.config so it won't get overwritten. I think it's called DEFAULT_FUEL_PRICE
  21. Thanks, were you getting that error before? Or it just started now?
  22. Strange, try deleting then re-uploading the lib/fonts folder
  23. Create a info.php or something, and just put in: <?php phpinfo(); And call it up in the browser
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