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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. 775 or 777. I think under maintenance options, there's a link to reset signatures
  2. Just import the SQL file. I'll have more instructions soon.
  3. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    I like it! Needs a sexier font though, but I definitely like the plane
  4. Is the lib/signatures path writable? How about all the files/folders in it? And are all of them blank?
  5. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    That ones cool! I like the NY NY touch
  6. Any schedule? Can you tell me what you entered? I couldn't duplicate this when someone reported it before
  7. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    I like that idea though
  8. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    Oh, I do, sorry, came across wrong.. A little more "Web 2.0 ish"
  9. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    That actually looks almost exactly like and old one I did!
  10. Hmm, I'm not sure, Chrome should have some facility for that, I'd have to look
  11. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    So I'm trying to do a little update on the site design, but I'm horrible with logos. Anyone want to take a spin on the current logo design and 'spruce' it up a bit?
  12. Check the firefox error console for errors, that's the first place. When did it stop working?
  13. WOW it's down to zero! I wonder why that phpvms.form.js started behaving now
  14. No prob. BTW, you don't need this line: $sql = " SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, location FROM phpvms_pilots GROUP BY location LIMIT 0, 9999999 ";
  15. What'd you do? Did you run the recount? This query should fix it.. UPDATE phpvms_pilots p SET totalpireps = (SELECT count(*) from phpvms_pireps WHERE pilotid=p.pilotid); Backup before you run it though.
  16. Don't put this in quotes: echo 'Countries::getCountryName($userinfo->location) '; It should be: echo Countries::getCountryName($country->location);
  17. Woops! Fixed it. That'll only be on FSFK PIREPs To fix for now, open core/common/PIREPData.class.php line 360: $data = unserialize($row->rawdata); Change to: $data = $row->rawdata;
  18. I think its Countries::getCountryName($country->location)
  19. Nabeel

    stats date

    Well you added that manually, right? Just make a new file in /core/common called CustomData.class.php and in it put class CustomData { // paste your function } Then just call it CustomData::ActivePilots();
  20. I think the query for that will be something like: SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, location FROM phpvms_pilots GROUP BY location mysql> SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, location FROM phpvms_pilots GROUP BY location; +-------+----------+ | total | location | +-------+----------+ | 1 | | | 7 | AF | | 1 | AT | | 2 | AU | | 18 | BE | | 1 | BF | | 1 | BG | | 2 | BR | | 4 | CA | | 1 | CV | | 3 | DE | | 1 | DK | | 1 | ES | | 3 | FR | | 9 | GB | | 1 | GR | | 1 | HU | | 2 | IE | | 3 | IT | | 2 | NL | | 1 | NZ | | 2 | PL | | 3 | PT | | 1 | RO | | 1 | SE | | 1 | SG | | 7 | US | | 1 | ZA | +-------+----------+ 28 rows in set (0.00 sec) You can then loop through that list: $country_info = DB::get_results('SELECT COUNT(pilotid) as total, location FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots GROUP BY location'); foreach($country_info as $country) { echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($country->location).'" /> ('.$country->total.')<br />'; } That should give you the basics...you'll have to table-ize it and everything.
  21. fixed #201 fixed #205 fixed #189, email fixes and enhancements fixed mass emails added ability to send emails to specific groups (finally) fixed default group dropdown Installer version bugfix View more details, download from here
  22. Nabeel


    Be Civil! No Flaming! THIS IS NOT THE VENUE TO HANDLE DISPUTES! Post the services you offer, with some demos, a site, something! Adhere to the phpVMS license! By default, add-ons are covered under this license: http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-sa/3.0/ You can sell addons you've created, but do not sell add-ons which are not wholly yours, or you've gotten community input on. That's in bad taste, and is not good! You can however charge to setup an install, and customize. If add-ons are included in that 'customization', ask the addon author first and get their permission for being able to include their customization in your service. Remember the add-on's are covered under Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license which is non-commercial and can only be waived with express permission of the author.
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