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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You'd get that if the local.config.php file is gone/empty. There's some weird mismatch on the files. Just wipe everything, backup your database (just in case), do a fresh install using that same DB info, you don't need to remove the database. But wipe out everything. Or after you wipe everything, re-upload, and restore the local.config.php file
  2. Yeah, that's alot of corrupt files.. the one you're having trouble with is included there... I guess delete the /core folder (save your local.config.php), redownload the release version, then reupload. What's your FTP client, and were you ever on beta? I wonder if you were on beta and are going back, but your FTP client might not be overwriting the old files
  3. Can you put the output of /install/checkinstall.php? Strange problem....
  4. Yeah, that's fine, I thought you were on beta and maybe that didn't get uploaded
  5. Tony, add them into the bug tracker ASAP so I can get to them, I got too much going on right now so they have to be in the tracker
  6. That's weird, I don't have tablesorter showing as active or anything on dev. In fact, it's not even in the Javascript includes. Weird
  7. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    Email it fine, nabeel@nsslive.net
  8. Strange, seems like a corrupted or old file where that function wouldn't exist.
  9. Are you on beta? I'd reupload everything, seems like you're got an old file in there
  10. Nabeel

    phpVMS Logo

    Can you export to Fireworks png format? You can PM it to me
  11. Do you have a core/classes/ezdb folder? Re-upload all of core/classes and core/common
  12. Ok, which page and all is this on? Which version/browser/browser version, any of that info, let me see if I can dupe it.
  13. For website hosting, you def should be running a Linux server. Right now the phpVMS site is running using Ubuntu 9.10, and the fivedev server on CentOS 5 (the OS version of RedHat). They're *much* easier to manage than Windows servers, and much less crashy and aggravating (I manage two Windows servers at work for Windows Server 2003 and 2008 and they're such a pain, all of our Linux servers are uptimes upwards of years). If you have specific applications which need Windows, which is why we have two Windows servers, they're running TTS processing, then I guess it's ok. For anything else, Linux all the way. Especially Ubuntu - you can have an entire server ready to go in about 10 minutes, with all the installs being finished just by doing: apt-get install apache php5-common php5-cgi php5-cli mysql Then just setup the configs... of course there's more to it than that, but for instance now, this Ubuntu server phpVMS is running on is about 500mb of RAM, with only 150 going to the system... you couldn't do that with Windows, especially with the kind of traffic I get. And like Tom said - Windows servers aren't cheap. Because they require maintenance, and also licensing costs. But mainly because they require more effort to maintain. Sick of site5? Come to fivedev
  14. Well this is the error: [i]Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/kunden/265414_32756/html/phpvms/core/lib/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /kunden/265414_32756/html/phpvms/core/modules/Pilots/Pilots.php on line 85 [/i] Does that file exist? Reupload the core/lib folder
  15. Goto view code, then towards the bottom of the page, find (there's two) {"data-file":" And URL after it - just load both those URLs in the browser... there will be some errors, if you can paste those
  16. Try re-uploading those files - any other mods?
  17. Ah okay, I will take a poke later, thanks
  18. Code snippets forum
  19. Yep, I'm evaluating for what looks like next weekend. New features are done this weekend.
  20. Goto that stats page, and then do what I wrote (edit->view source)
  21. Yeah, found the reason for it Roger, thanks.. it's fixed in the next one
  22. Ohh weird - can you PM me FTP details so I can take a look later today? Thanks. Also one thing you can check is if you have GD installed - make a blank PHP file and in it put: <?php phpinfo(); And open that page and see if there's any mention of the GD library
  23. That means there was an error... if you view source on the page, then goto the bottom-ish, you'll see: {"data-file":" And URL after it - just load both those URLs in the browser... there will be some errors, if you can paste those
  24. Hmm, are any files changing? What's the last changed date? Did they ever work?
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