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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. git push test View more details, download from here
  2. I wouldn't make that mod. You have to add the departure airport in FSPax. Did you watch the video in the Docs about fspax?
  3. Looks good, you can dynamically generate that with something liek: createid.php?pilotid=XXX123 And inside, you can use the API with something like: include 'core/codon.inc.php'; $pilotid = DB::escape($_GET['pilotid']); $pilot_info = PilotData::getPilotData($pilotid); // Now you can create that badge... $pilotinfo->hub; $pilotinfo->totalhours; $avatar_link = PilotData::getPilotAvatar($pilotid); //etc
  4. I'm moving phpVMS to github: http://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS It shouldn't make too much of a difference, except now it'll be easier for me to manage since now you can more easily fork and develop. For instance, you can do: git clone http://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS.git phpvms Which will create the latest phpVMS in the "phpvms" folder, and you can work on your phpVMS install as normal (not modifying any core files). But when updating comes (for things like betas), to update, you can simply: cd phpvms git pull And it will automatically download and update that phpVMS copy to the latest one, and you just have to run the install/update.php file. Some cool stuff from the command-line is possible that way, such as if you've made mods to the core files, you can merge those changes in seamlessly, without having to re-do your customizations by hand. It was possible before with the old Subversion repository, but since it was hosted locally, it wasn't as reliable. And no more messy .svn directories everywhere. Version numbers are done differently (instead Revision X it's now hashes), but internally I've started using a version file... and I'll make the changes to update to that soon. You can also create forks of the project and submit improvements and patches. I can see some addons being developed this way - as a fork, and offered that way. It's available now, with the latest version. If you want to read more, check out this link. All you really need to read about is cloning and updating using "git pull" Thanks!
  5. Ah you're using IIS - that's the issue. IIS doesn't properly fill in the $_SERVER variable sometimes when running in CGI mode. You can try ISAPI, or go to a Linux host if possible. Windows servers have all sorts of kooky issues with PHP/MySQL. You can search to see if there was any resolution, it has come up in the past, but I can't remember ATM. As for a host, scroll down to the "Shameless Plug" with the graphic for Site5, they're great: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=1
  6. pre git-hub checkin View more details, download from here There are some small bug fixes and updates here, mainly with routes.
  7. Can you run install/checkinstall.php?
  8. There is a statistics addon in development, by simpilot. You can ask him if you want to add a feature, or suggest those to him. I'd mention you'd be willing to pay
  9. We found the error, it was that he didn't have an api key setup
  10. The installer doesn't load it. There's the command line: mysqlimport -uYOUR_DB_USERNAME -pYOUR_DB_PASSWORD DB_NAME navdata.sql Table Prefix If your table prefix differs from the default "phpvms_", import the navdata.sql file, then change the name of the table to "YOURPREFIXnavdata". For example, if your table prefix is "vms_", run the following on the MySQL command line: RENAME phpvms_navdata TO vms_navdata Alternatively, you can use phpMyAdmin (select the table, then "Operations" -> "Rename Table")
  11. You should be tracking things internally, not in some text field. Like, you'd build the data at the end and send i tout. I could build the phpVMS side for you if you'd like. Let me know what you have for your XML so far, I can shape it up into what I'd need - for status updates and also for PIREPs
  12. Are you sure you're entering the departure and arrival airports in FSPAX? You have to specifically enter them in that dialog.
  13. Yes, you could save the xml file, in case sending fails, it can be loaded and sent again. Here's a few other links: http://robz.homedns.org:8080/blog/archive/2005/02/25/387.aspx http://developer.yahoo.com/dotnet/howto-rest_vb.html http://p2p.wrox.com/vb-net/5447-post-xml-using-xmlhttp-vbulletin-net.html
  14. That link I sent is for sending the data via post. http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/mahesh/writexmlusingXmlWriter11132005233450PM/writexmlusingXmlWriter.aspx In that, the writer should have a toString() method or something to pass into the code which sends by POST
  15. I guess you're on beta? There's a bug with that, here: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2081-total-hours/page__p__13834__hl__TOTAL_HOURS__fromsearch__1entry13834
  16. Thanks, I'll try to get to it tonight or tomorrow. Fighting with both of my guitars now to get them sounding proper. Grr
  17. What do you mean sorted and used? It's included there, I'm not sure what you want to do with it. I mean it's there to look at
  18. There's one tutorial which shows you how to cut it up. You could goto your Joomla site, and do "view source", and follow the directions. Actually... if you give me the URL to your Joomla site, I can tell you what to put into your header.tpl and footer.tpl files, that'll get you started at least.
  19. That's all sent into the detailed log for a PIREP. If you open that "Show details log", it's all in there (or should be)
  20. Yes, I would say XML. You'd create a module, and send your XML as POST data to that url. Like: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/311294 <myacars> <pilotid>XXX</pilotid> <date>XXX</date> <pirepdetails> <flightnum>XXXYYYY</flightnum> <depicao>KJFK</depicao> ... etc </pirepdetails> </myacars> So that string would get sent as POST data (?pirepxml=THE_XML_STRING) to this URL: index.php/myacars/pirep Which we create a module for, with all the functions we need class MyACARS extends CodonModule { /** * Receieves PIREP * index.php/myacars/pirep */ public function pirep() { $pirep_xml = $this->post->pirepxml; $xml = simplexml_load_string($pirep); // Then you'd fill in the data array and submit $pirep_data = array( 'pilotid' => $xml->pilotid, 'flightnum' => $xml->pirepdetails->flightnum, 'depicao' => $xml->pirepdetails->depicao, // ... fill in everything else ); // This submits the PIREP $submit = ACARSData::filePIREP($pirepdata): } } It'll be the same thing for status messages. I can write the basic class for you if you want, but it's basically the same as the FSFK module which is there. The data structures are there. FSFK doesn't do status messages in XML, but if I were you, I'd do EVERYTHING in XML, it makes life 100000% easier. No string parsing, just PHP handles all the parsing work, you just get the references. But check out the FSFK module, it has the code to translate the aircraft registration into the ID (which is how the PIREP data structure needs it), And I think VB can easily read an INI file (I know in C# it's pretty simple), for settings, so you'd create a template, I can help you out when you get to here too, so then a pilot can download their config file [settings] pilotid=VMS0001 baseurl=http://dev.phpvms.net/ pirepurl=index.php/myacars/pirep statusurl=index.php/myacars/status I've been looking into developing something as well, but I haven't had the time =\
  21. I'm going to take a look today and see what's going on, so hang on
  22. Have you watched the video tutorial?
  23. Can you open a bug in the tracker with all this info? Thanks
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