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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. There's a setting for how many it shows
  2. Nabeel


    Disputes should go in a PM, not here.
  3. Nabeel


    I think Util::SendEmail
  4. It shows only 20 routes, to avoid overloading the browser
  5. Hmm with SMTP. I'll see if I can find anything. Who's SMTP are you using? Your hosts? Or your ISP?
  6. Can you duplicate it on http://dev.phpvms.net, and if you can, can you give me the steps? Also, are you using the 'stock' registration template, if not did you change the 'email' field?
  7. Nabeel


    I'm not sure what you mean. 90% of the templates in phpVMS is HTML and the final output is nearly all HTML.
  8. Nabeel


    Huh? That makes no sense...?
  9. Nabeel


    I was wrong, it's the password + salt, md5 both of those together. http://bugs.phpvms.net/browser/trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php#L274
  10. What code are you using?
  11. Nabeel


    Salt is an extra layer of security, what happens is Password is MD5'd, then that is appended to the salt, and that whole thing is then MD5'd. That way it can't be decoded at all since it's doubly encrypted
  12. jquery update, db class bugfix View more details
  13. Did you try /index.php/routemap?
  14. Nabeel

    About Nav Updates

    What are nav updates? These updates are for the phpVMS route maps. They allow you to use the latest AIRAC cycle data for all of your routes. They are paid since I do have to pay for access to certain databases, from which I compile all the data. How to install? When you download the zip file, there is one SQL file included. You have to import this either in phpMyAdmin or on the command line. View this page for more instructions (scroll to "Restoring your MySQL Database). Below that are instructions for phpMyAdmin as well. I recommend doing it from the command line, if possible, since it is a rather large file - close to 100,000 entries, at about 6mb total. From the command line: mysqlimport -uYOUR_DB_USERNAME -pYOUR_DB_PASSWORD DB_NAME navdata.sql Table Prefix If your table prefix differs from the default "phpvms_", import the navdata.sql file, then change the name of the table to "YOURPREFIXnavdata". For example, if your table prefix is "vms_", run the following on the MySQL command line: RENAME phpvms_navdata TO vms_navdata Alternatively, you can use phpMyAdmin (select the table, then "Operations" -> "Rename Table")
  15. Yep, just do a search on that. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/809-pilot-country-flags/page__p__4989__hl__getCountryImage__fromsearch__1entry4989
  16. It has to be changed in the template (acarsmap.tpl or routemap.tpl). Also the types have changed, if you look in those templates there's a link to the map api v3, if you dig around there you'll find docs
  17. Log in before you enable it? I meant to add in a login area at the admin panel, but didn't get around to it on last release.
  18. Yep. I moved this topic to code snippets and appended my post above
  19. Well those should hopefully be taken care of now. I didn't realize how many security holes SMF2 had. They've also pretty much stopped development, and the whole project is a mess now.
  20. It's an <img> tag, so just add the width="" property to it
  21. Nabeel


    What version were you on previously, and what did you update to? Did you run the update, and update the templates listed in the changelog?
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