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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. If you do: Total Flights Today: <?php echo StatsData::totalflightstoday(); DB::debug(); ?><br /> Does it show any errors when you view the page?
  2. Haha, yeah, well I'll be charging for nav updates for phpVMS. I gotta put some advertisements in play soon (paid by VAs), the Google ads so far are covering maybe half the costs so its not too bad.
  3. FSACARS sucks, to say the least. It always breaks. What version are you on?
  4. Yeah, that's an error which happens locally on their machine. It's a bug within FSACARS, and since it out of development, can't really be fixed. The only real solution is to completely delete FSACARS (all the files and folders), and re-install from scratch. If you search around, it's come up a few times with some solutions which worked for people
  5. Here's the integration class: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=29 The docs above still apply, I'll be moving them to the link above shortly
  6. Yep, if you goto: http://docs.phpvms.net/doku.php Scroll down to the bottom to the vaCentral documentation, that should be all the docs you need. I can also send you the file I've written with some implementation, send me a PM to remind me, I'll send it to you tomorrow.
  7. It overwrites everything. Modded templates should be in your skin's folder, so those won't be overwritten. Unless you meant the actually modules themselves. Try PMing me now
  8. SMF has an awesome plugin/addon system, way ahead of phpBB there. Too bad development has nearly stopped on SMF. I was never really a fan of phpBB. vBulletin has really fallen behind too, it used to be a leader in forums
  9. Their prices are really good, especially since they are priced for what you really would get. There's also Slicehost (by rackspace), where I used to be hosted, but they didn't have 32 bit images, and linode is a bit cheaper. Good dedicated hosts start around 80-100 a month. I like VPS over dedicated, since for a site like this, it doesn't make a difference.
  10. Well phpVMS is written on Codon, I used to have that in active development for an old job. It's based on CakePHP (well, not initially, but I've modified it). It's really lightweight. But now, vaCentral is written using CakePHP. I use a custom "framework" for the API server (it's a MVC format in 3 files), super lightweight. I am a big fan of Cake, there's alot of Ruby-isms. I'm looking out for symfony2, and the next version of Cake. CodeIgniter is ok to start with, but there's no ORM. I like recess too. But Cake is my "goto" framework, it's great all around. It's benchmarked to be slower, but with some caching, it runs just fine. In my benchmarks, all the frameworks ran about the same, since it's server-limited before you even hit code maximums IMO.
  11. Just do something like if(date == 0) { echo 'No flight'; } date replaced with the right variable, it might be $pilot->lastpirep
  12. You can't, they have records scattered everywhere
  13. Nabeel


    Also check the debug logs for xacars see if it shows up in there. I won't get the chance to check till the weekend.
  14. Nabeel


    Nope, it's a bug with FSACARS - it's supposed to report the heading but never does
  15. Attach your CSV file. Alternately, try an export from the system, and work on that file.
  16. Yes you could do that, or automatically do a POST request to another page which does it. But clicking a link or having a form with hidden fields and passing it all to the next page with the submit button that says "continue" will work. What's the error it shows? If you include just /core/codon.config.php, does it give an error?
  17. If you do a search, a few days ago I posted some code to do that and where to place it in the schedule_results.tpl template
  18. Hey, http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=10
  19. This can be accomplished with a module watching the "pirep_filed" event. You can check the landing rate, and then doc pay or whatever with that
  20. Nabeel


    Is xacars set to send the heading?
  21. Make sure the core/local.config.php file is completely empty (file size of 0) and wrtable
  22. Those are from the root, where index.php is. So where index.php is, goto core/pages, or core/cache. Core is on the same "level" as the install folder is.
  23. Hey, Some of them won't have files, but as joeri said, the files and folders should be set as writable. Are you on a Windows or Linux server? I'm guessing Linux. If it says its not writable then check the permissions again. It tries to actually do a write and it will only return a denied if it actually isn't writable.
  24. On 877? Is there anything in the error log?
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