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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Make sure you're using absolute URLs with the http:// in front.
  2. Yes you have to make sure hostnames are working properly, and that mysql is setup to listen on those hostnames
  3. Unless they use ACARS, then they can still file that way, and then be marked unretired automatically
  4. Do a search, this has come up at least a dozen times before
  5. Hey, FSPax is a little tricky - under Documentation above, goto ACARS guides and then FSPax, there's a video tutorial for that. See if that helps you out first
  6. You didn't follow what I said. Did you check the user that you've created for that database? What databases does that user show? If you do "use phpvms" (if that's the databse name), does it change to the database? If you're using phpMyAdmin, goto Privileges on the front page page, create a new user called phpvms, and have it create a database and grant all privledges for that user. Then try that. phpMyAdmin accesses it as root if that's how you're logging in, and it sees all databases
  7. The link to the notam might have changed, I would check that
  8. There's a video tutorial here, courtesy of Keith: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=22
  9. Check it on his though, it's not always the same. You shouldn't be accessing as root from your scripts. There should be another user setup. When you do SHOW DATABASES; (on his server), does that database you setup show? And then log out and log back in as that user, and do SHOW DATABASES again, and make sure that's showing up. Its a DB issue somewhere
  10. schedule_results.tpl inside that foreach loop, you'll see there are other checks there for the schedules
  11. Then the database is not setup properly. Login to mysql as root mysql -uroot -p Then type SHOW DATABASES; And see if the db shows up under there. If it does, then your user above probably doesn't have privledges to that db`
  12. Yes what simpilot said. Also try connecting in the command line: mysql -uUSER -p DATABASE_NAME If you can't connect that way, then there's an issue with your database install
  13. It checks last login time and the last pirep. if its 30 days from the last pirep, it till check the pirep. if there's no pirep, it will check the login date. IIRC, that's how it goes
  14. I would goto your ISP and find out the database address
  15. Yeah, it's just a string unique to the aircraft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_registration
  16. That's strange... yeah, it's something client side... Are they running the latest version of FSACARS? There's an additional supplement on the FSACARS site to also download. With the Sitelog - can you enable DEBUG_LOG, and do a flight, and then send the core/logs/fsacars.txt file? I wonder how it reports that.
  17. Poke around in the SiteCMS.class.php in core/common. you can modify those to include a category id, or an airline id. you can add in a drop-down with the airlines list, so that would simply that. so you'd just have to pass the $this->post->airlineid variable through to the query
  18. Simplify this up there for ya: $bids = SchedulesData::getAllBids(); if(isset($bids)) { foreach($bids as $bid) { $bid_time = strtotime($bid->dateadded); $diff = abs(time() - $bid_time); if ($diff > 60*60*24*2) /* two days, in seconds */ { SchedulesData::removeBid($bid->bidid); } } }
  19. I'm going to rearrange this post and place it into the Code Snippets forum. Also, this line still said $route, so I changed it: if(Config::Get('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID') == true && $schedule->bidid != 0)
  20. Do a search on the TOTAL_HOURS bug, you have to add an entry into the settings table. It's missing for some odd reason
  21. Instead of $route->id, use $schedule->id
  22. You have to modify the module to get it to work right... if you do a search it's come up before
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