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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. $params = array( 'table' => TABLE_PREFIX.'pilots', 'fields' => 'location, COUNT(*) as `total`', 'group' => 'location ORDER BY total DESC', ); $results = DB::quick_select($params); if(!$results) { return 0; } That should return a list with all the countries and totals, looking like this: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [location] => [total] => 1 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [location] => AF [total] => 6 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [location] => AT [total] => 1 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [location] => AU [total] => 2 ) ... etc This will rearrange them to be accessed per-country $country = array(); foreach($results as $row) { $country[$row->location] = $row->total; } echo "pilots in the US: {$country['US']}"; Which will output: pilots in the US: 6
  2. Nabeel


    Heh, I happened to be looking at the board right that moment.
  3. Nabeel


  4. What PHP version? Seems like it might not be on 5.2 which is the minimum
  5. Nope, there isn't one ATM, but you could manually add some code in the /core/bootstrap.inc.php file in the post_module_load() function
  6. Hi everyone, The forums, as you can see, have been upgraded to IPBoard. I will skin it soon, but for now it will stay on the default skin, until I can work all the little kinks out. All your posts, etc should be intact. Your old password also should just work. Thanks!
  7. Try it again, using something that's not your password, gets ome detail
  8. And I use no-reply for smf only.
  9. Yeah, I was on phpBB previous to SMF. Their code wasn't very good and I didn't like their templating/skinning.
  10. Anyone have any experience with it? Thinking of moving from SMF over to that. SMF project seems to be dying. Anyone have an extra license or want to donate towards the cost of a license?
  11. Revision 876: missing files, pirepdata fix 17 February 2010, 9:29 am missing files, pirepdata fix Source: Revisions of / Download from http://downloads.php...phpvms.beta.zip
  12. It should be secure but I don't know about SMF, could be a security hole. I'm trying to move off of SMF onto something else (maybe invisionboard), but have to pay for it first. I shut off sendmail on my server for now, hopefully that should stop anything from going out until I can see what's going on
  13. Thanks. Not sure w hy it keeps giving an error for that file. Weird
  14. Can you link to your map map? If Firefox, if you open the error console, and load up the map page, are there any errors? What version are you on, and if its 2.0.854 do you have an google maps api key?
  15. This would require alot of core changes, as bids right now are tied to schedules
  16. I've made a change for the next commit, though I think I'll eventually end up dropping that column
  17. What does it say when you click "Check Database Connection"?
  18. Woops, commit is going up right now, thanks
  19. missing files, pirepdata fix View more details
  20. Not sure why you have a random </div> thrown in there That should probably go after the </table>
  21. What version are you using
  22. Can or can't? AirTV, I'm not sure. It doesn't need anything with phpvms, but the link toa pilot profile would be yoursite.com/index.php/profile/view/pilotid
  23. Hey, are you using the correct server?
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