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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You don't need to do a fresh install, just copy up all the files overwriting them all, then run the install/update.php If you still want to do fresh, just upload everything, export your old db, and then reimport after install. I don't recommend this though, since the update does some processing on the data
  2. You'd have to check with your host, they all have a different way. Do you have a control panel for your host? It might be through there. Maybe it's called "DB Manager". You'd have to ask them
  3. Hmm, deleteing the airlines should have deleted the schedules but I don't really support that because of pireps (deleting airlines) Well, you can delete all the schedules using phpmyadmin
  4. Nabeel

    Nav Bar

    Can you show an example? It probably has to do with your CSS
  5. Nabeel


    If you have phpmyadmin, open the database you're using for phpVMS, and find the phpvms_financedata table, click on it, and there will be an option to empty the table.
  6. You're missing a float in a parent container, or the parent container isn't wide enough. For spacing, try setting padding
  7. Official stable Both the released version and the beta copy are the same as of this moment.
  8. Nabeel


    Try emptying the financedata table
  9. Yup, the doc page is here: http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#updates
  10. Revision 850: Official 2.0 release4 January 2010, 1:34 pmOfficial 2.0 releaseSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  11. Revision 849: 2.0 minor fixes4 January 2010, 1:02 pm2.0 minor fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  12. You have to run /install/update.php But that forumregister addin must be outputting a space or something which PHP isn't liking
  13. Hey, Seems like you're putting data in that ForumRegister.php, and it can't complete the login (since it redirects) What are you trying to do?
  14. After a long, long wait, over 150 revisions, phpVMS 2.0 has finally been released! In this version, you'll find a ton of enhancements and bug fixes, with most of them coming from you, the community. Check out the changelog for full details, but some features now include XAcars and FS Flight Keeper Support, groups for the admin panel, and an enhanced financial and add-ons system. This version also enabled support for vaCentral, which is the upcoming virtual airline stats and ranking system. Now your VA has to compete against other airlines in the virtual world. more details about vaCentral will follow, it's currently in open beta, and anyone who uses 2.0 can participate. And, I'd like to thanks everyone who helped to test, without you all, this would be nowhere near the quality it's at now, you know who you are, and thank you. Cheers, Nabeel
  15. Revision 848: 2.0 release, minor fixes4 January 2010, 11:51 am2.0 release, minor fixesSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  16. Revision 847: last minute fixes on 2.04 January 2010, 11:19 amlast minute fixes on 2.0Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  17. Ok this and a few other issues fixed and released as a full release
  18. Also, do a me a favor. http://downloads.phpvms.net Download the phpvms_unittest.zip, extract to your phpVMS install (there should be a unittest folder), then run: /unittest/run_tests.php Or link me to it
  19. Nabeel


    What are your ticket prices? If you look at your PIREPs, what does it give there for the load counts and ticket prices?
  20. Can you run the /install/checkdb.php and paste the output? Thanks, I'll take a look. I didn't announce the new version yet because I thought there might still be a few issues, so I can just have another quick update. Also, where is that "total hours flown" shown? And running a reset in Maintenance doesn't help? And which map type? Do all those airports exist with routes?
  21. If you look in the database, you'll see them
  22. Only JPG and PNG off the top of my head, I can't remember if I support GIF (not all PHP installs support GIF). The upload size depends on your servers maximum upload size set in the PHP ini. I don't put any limitation
  23. I would use Firebug to fire that out. Open the bubble, use the select tool in Firebug to select the text, and it will tell you the exact styles being applied
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