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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Did you upgrade from the 700 release? In schedule_results.tpl I think, there's code where it will only show from today's day
  2. Are you sure that's your admin account then? Look up the user ID for that user, then into the groupmembers table add a entry with the group id of 1 and pilot id of the user ID of your user
  3. Latest released? latest beta? And which version of beta if that?
  4. Weird. Try this out In your DB user, set the salt column to blank (no spaces) THen goto: http://www.xs4all.nl/~jlpoutre/BoT/Javascript/Utils/md5_hashing.html Enter a password there, and copy the "HEX encoded md5 hash:" into the password column. Then try logging in. Them immediately change your password
  5. What version are you on? Check in your database to make sure your email address is right. If you try forgot password on another account, does that work?
  6. Do the forgot password for that account
  7. Not yet, just doing last minute things and preparations. There will be an annoucement You can read the changelog: http://dev.phpvms.net/changelog.htm Basically you just run the /install/update.php file and that will take care of it, then update the templates which were changed
  8. Yep, I updated the registration code to use some built-in 5.2+ functions (just cleaning up alot of code). So yep, 5.2
  9. The first one might be a temporary error. The 2nd one, which PHP version are you on?
  10. Would you guys mind trying this hashslist file? Just extract it into the /install folder. Thanks! hashlist.zip
  11. Nabeel


    You can use the API's login() function which will see if the password matches? Is that what you're trying to do?
  12. In your phpvms pa nel, what does it say the hours are? And what version are you on?
  13. Yeah, you can't really do that since the database assigns the ID. There are offsets you can use but those affect everyone
  14. Yes, but are there any javascript errors on firefox's error console?
  15. What do you mean not counting hours? on the vac side? It updates about every hour so could it be that it's behind?
  16. An error on my part, it will be fixed thanks
  17. Can you try the 2nd part of my post:
  18. It might be something else, I'm working on it still.
  19. Fixed that for the next. The pireps should have individually sent, though
  20. Hey, welcome to phpVMS. Yes, there is a mod for that. You can modify any page through a template, so you can customize it. You can also add "custom fields" for PIREPS for pilots to fill out when they file a PIREP. If you want to check it out, register at: http://dev.phpvms.net And you can poke around and see what's available.
  21. There's some posts with resources on how to get started if you look around. We're here if you have any specific questions
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