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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Ok I will take a look. When you edit a pilot's profile, can you manually assign a rank to them? Try filling a PIREP as well Also, I think something is screwed up with your database, those are some weird errors
  2. Can you sign up on the dev site (http://dev.phpvms.net) and see if you get errors from there using the config file from there?
  3. Do you have ranks entered? Also, looks like you didn't run the /install/update.php file on updating to 823.
  4. Was it an ACARS flight? And does that aircraft entry have 65 set as the maximum pax count?
  5. What errors? Under Site & Settings there's a vaCentral options area
  6. Hehe, I have about 2 weeks off from work, until the new year, doing a little bit of work here and there Usually I'm not home during the days, late night get some phpVMS stuff. Thanks guys! I disabled the email in this one because of the repeat send error, but I will check the other thing.
  7. Good stuff, yep, you can just fuddle around with the code in there, if you see something you wanna change just go ahead and change it... remember the undo key Cheers!
  8. Alright, thanks. Can you export your schedules and email me the file? I want to try to duplicate it but I have 8 schedules..heh.
  9. Thanks guys, that's fine, guess you aren't doing any actual work so no activity Hopefully this will be the last beta, or 2nd to lets... let's hope
  10. Revision 823: fixed #102 fixed #119 fixed #126 fixed #127 fixed #85 fixed #128 fixed ...26 December 2009, 4:42 pmfixed #102 fixed #119 fixed #126 fixed #127 fixed #85 fixed #128 fixed #130 fixed #132 fixed #122 fixed #129, refs #27Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  11. I just commited a beta release now, you can try that out. It's not in the build log, but the updates files are online. So give that a shot. Try deleting any files you have installed for xacars. Seems like an error on the software end, though
  12. That's odd that it does it on startup. can you uninstall it, and delete it completely, and then re-install and start from scratch?
  13. Hey, In the admin panel, under site-settings, there's a section for "vaCentral Settings". Just hit "send pireps" and "send schedules", they should go through. If they don't, let me know and I'll take a look. I'll have an update tonight which will fix a couple of problems which were found
  14. Hey, welcome, Maybe google translate can help with the docs, but the video tutorial, I'm not sure if there's anyone who knows german who could do it or explain it to you? See how far you can get with the english docs, as always, if you have any specific questions, someone will be able to help Cheers
  15. Well you have no fields are anything filled out there, is that just from the screenshot or have you actually not entered anything?
  16. Hey, I think it's $pilot So you can do if($pilot->retired == 0) { echo '<img src="/path to active image" alt="active" />'; } else { echo '<img src="/path to inactive image" alt="active" />'; } With the variable for $pilot, you can get any column from the pilots table with: $pilot->[column name]
  17. Nabeel


    This /* To show the image:*/?> <li><?php echo $award->name ?>&nbsp <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /></li> remove the <?php echo $award->name ?> peice
  18. Hey, It's comma separated, looks like you're using semi colons (; )
  19. Ahhh that's a bug.. sorry dude, 1300? holy cow. I'm not sure how that happened... sorry man
  20. If you did an airport lookup, were they there?
  21. Nabeel


    Can you pastebin the template code? That profile link requires login
  22. Before I kick it out the door... Review the list: http://bugs.phpvms.net/report/6 Any last minute FIXES, no time for new things Thanks!!!
  23. Ahh got it... and fixed. Thanks man. Merry x-mas to you!
  24. Thanks Roger, will take a look. I'll add an active/inactive option to the filter
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