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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. What do you mean? Is this in the admin panel or the front-end?
  2. What did you put as the page title?
  3. Perhaps, but as an addon I would do it, not in this upcoming version. It would delay it too much. But maybe after this release, I can work with someone to develop it, I could do the admin and database end, and then roll it into the main release eventually.
  4. Haha! This is old. The whole set is under lib/images/countries, but thanks
  5. I think stocks would be something better put into vaCentral, since stocks also kinda depend on the industry. They're really just based on an overall valuation of a company, and then on profits/losses, and then sheer volume (speculation drives alot of prices up and down). There are alot of variables to consider. But, instead of stocks, maybe "paying" for special liveries?
  6. Cool, I opened a ticket for it. I'll be using a different column name. http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/39 Couple of my co-workers went to Disney for two weeks, always hear it's a good time.
  7. Ah, the error is because it's empty. I will fix that on my backend too, since I didn't check for that Before foreach($usersonline as $pilot) You can put: if(!$usersonline) $usersonline = array(); Then it shouldn't error.
  8. Dave, would it be ok if I implement this into the next version? FSFK includes this, so I think I could implement it across both. XAcars will be missing the data. Hope you enjoyed Disney!
  9. You can do that, basically the same way as the PIREP aircraft form, in schedule_results.tpl, after the "foreach($allroutes as $route) {" lines: if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { if(Auth::$userinfo->rank == 'New Hire') { // Skip any B747-400 flights if they're a "New Hire" rank if($route->aircraft == 'B747-400') { continue; // This will tell it to skip and move to the next route } } } It's not very "automatic", but this is really long-winded to do through the admin panel, and every VA does it differently I guess. but it's relatively easy to add in
  10. Hey, welcome! You'll have to extract it to public_html/www. After that, create a database, and note the name/username and password. Then, goto the install/install.php file (actually, when you just load up the site, it will forward you to there). Hopefully that helps!
  11. Mitchell, you might kill me, the module format has changed a bit, unless you're on beta and you're using the new format. But, it's MUCH easier Also, sure, it's possible. Do you have your code with the StatsData? IIRC, that returns an array with all the aircraft.
  12. Hey, welcome. Right now, it's not possible in the stock install. But it's a good idea. IIRC, someone had implemented that a while ago (if you do a search), in their template, to only show certain aircraft to certain ranks. It's relatively "easy" to do, and I can post the code on how to do it, if people want. It's really just a few lines added to the PIREP form. But, that restriction will only be on manual PIREPs. Doing ACARS PIREPs is a bit tricky, because I can't restrict what they fly, or what gets sent to/from ACARS in terms of PIREPs, that's why I never implemented it (for instance, XAcars doesn't even send an aircraft type). But it's very simple to add it in the manual PIREP form, if that's what you're looking for.
  13. It's do-able, there's plenty of data there, including all the detailed finances, monthly aggregates, etc, it's just a matter of someone planning it and coding it out in a manner which is functional.
  14. Yeah, you could point your registration page to a page you create, then from there goto the actual registration page
  15. It was supposed to be this week But honestly, I think realistically it'll be a couple weeks, to month or so. The latest betas are pretty solid, so I guess you could use them, but you'd have to be willing to put up with some small problems here or there (if issues come up, I'll have them fixed by the next day usually at the latest). But that's upto you. It helps me, people being on the betas, that way I get to fix the bugs and it's better for everyone all around. This is a side project of mine, so I try to fit it in between life and work (I wanted to fix a bunch of left overs this weekend, but ended up going to two Metallica concerts), so I haven't gotten anything done. There's a couple things I have to implement for xacars (nothing to do with pireps or that side, it's just for live acars), which they don't provide: http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/36
  16. Nabeel


    Yeah, if you can give me steps to reproduce, and open a bug for it. I'm trying to fix some of those minor nigglies this week, so I can concentrate of FSFK
  17. If it's working now, it should be fine, but I would use WinMerge or something to make sure you're not missing anything
  18. Nabeel


    Can you guys make a list of issues as a bug in the bug tracker, so I can see if it's just a settings issue in ckEditor, or something else? What about editing in the 'source mode', does that help?
  19. Joeri has nailed it, it will be supported in the upcoming version, along with FSFK.
  20. XAcars doesn't give those numbers. I can try to guess (thanks for reminding, I meant to do that, added a bug for it). Then with that distance, I try to guess the time remaining using the current speed.
  21. What's your site's URL
  22. Try reverting to the default one, see if that helps
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