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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Are the flights showing in the table, but the icons just missing? If so, then upload the lib/images/inair folder. If that's not showing up either, check the error console in FF and let us know the error
  2. No problem! I will add it in if I remember... heh Otherwise, the one in the tutorial should work. I don't remember how this one was called
  3. You don't need to use mysql_query, use $results = DB::get_results("QUERY");
  4. What's $get_uinfo? It's expecting a return value from a mysql_query()
  5. http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/14 I will hopefully have a fix for the next build
  6. Oh, nevermind, I see what you mean, I did include it. Woops, that was unintentional. I'll have to test it and see what's wrong. Could you enter a bug into http://bugs.phpvms.net, that way I can keep track. Thanks
  7. Well, my meaning was the controller format has changed in this next version. Try adding this: public function Controller() { return true; } Into the controller and try it then. The presence of that function should tell it to assume it's the old format and use that. I have to re-do the video tutorials for the API which has that, to reflect the new style. The new way is much easier than the old one.
  8. You can type in the flight number, and it will pull it. Or you can type BID and I'll return the latest bid you've added
  9. I'm not getting any errors on my copy trying what you did.
  10. No problem, if you can comment on that ticket instead of the forum, I can keep track of it better that way. Thanks!
  11. Users currently won't be able to log out on this build. So far that seems to be the only issue. Click the top link for further details, mostly minor stuff here though
  12. Revision 787: refs #10 fixed, fixed #9 shortcut to set/show, refs #5 users stays showing ...5 November 2009, 11:25 amrefs #10 fixed, fixed #9 shortcut to set/show, refs #5 users stays showing logged inSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  13. Thank you, I've updated it and should be up in 787 this morning, lets hope that fixes it
  14. Post it on bugs.phpvms.net, thanks Charts and fuel won't be added by the "fetch", those have to be manually done.
  15. I've created a bug ticket here: http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/10 Subscribe to that, I'll just posted futher information there
  16. Is this the one from the tutorial?
  17. Hey, I meant to say, I found a bug for this and it was fixed in build 786 http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/2
  18. Can you link me to the pilot's page? I just used the column which was xx.xx Did find replace, found . replace with : Then right click the column, say custom column as: [hh].mm Then do a sum on the column, and it will add them as times.
  19. Ok, doing the proper way of adding in excel, it comes out to 110:29 hours. Then, I pulled those times into the phpVMS unit tester I have fora dding times, I also get that number. So there's something else going on here. Why are there blank times there? What are you clicking to reset the times?
  20. Hey, You've downloaded the right config file I'm assuming?
  21. Weird, the table looks ok. Can you just edit it in phpmyadmin for now?
  22. Just plain ol html template. You can just build it up from this... header.tpl, put: <html> <head> <title><?php echo $title?></title> </head> <body> And in footer.tpl </body> </html> Boom, build from there... Then just add stuff and see where it all falls in
  23. Are you counting only accepted PIREPS? I haven't seen the attachment yet, having some trouble installing Office
  24. What version, etc? If it's a beta, did you upload the lib/images/inair folder?
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