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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Can you upload the /core/templates/schedule_results.tpl or paste it into pastebin?
  2. I think it's just over 100$ now. There was a promotion early on where if you pre-ordered, it was 50$.
  3. The images in the folder should be 777 as well.
  4. Excellent. I had to do a clean format. I bought the Home Premium upgrade during the promotion, it was $50. Took about 40 minutes in total but now it's just getting everything reinstalled which I had.
  5. It would be: $pilots = StatsData::UsersOnline(); foreach($pilots as $pilot) { } Check out the default frontpage_main.tpl file, quick example in there. To change the online time, change the USERS_ONLINE_TIME setting in local.config, though I will change the function to also accept a time parameter.
  6. Are you using the default template/have you modified it? Try re-uploading it from a fresh download, it's possible it got mangled while uploading
  7. Check permissions on the /lib/avatar directory
  8. Try setting the column widths the same
  9. Haha yep, I just finished upgrading to Win7 from the RC so I'm still getting things together haha.. about to head out for a bit now too.
  10. /HOME/LINKV/PUBLIC_HTML/CORE/LOGS/ACARS.TXT Set that to writable. Then the errors should go away. Are you on the latest beta?
  11. I'll take a lookies. What rank should they be in (what are the actual hours and what are the transfer hours?)
  12. No prob James! I'll take a look at that.
  13. Well, once they file a PIREP, that rank will get calculated properly. When there's no PIREP filed, it doesn't calculate a rank (it's assuming that pilot just registered, and will be at the lowest rank). So it'll fix itself. I could have a maintenance option to reset the ranks, but some people set a rank manually in the pilot's option, so that would then override that.
  14. From which version? Try uploading it again, that's odd
  15. I'll check it, it should be for new bids. I just caught myself staring at your avatar for a few minutes. Dammit! Haha
  16. It could, there's a setting in the local.config for it
  17. You can go back and adjust any prices, etc once the PIREP is filed as well, so initially you can setup a bogus price and all. But yep, they can fly whatever they want.
  18. Well, if there's one person, it'll still output correctly. It'll return that same format in either way (an array)
  19. The code simpilot posted before in this thread is it
  20. Yeah, I had to add that column in the database in this build, so bids from today will show the date added
  21. Rev 778 - Finances only tally accepted PIREPs, charts field for airport23 October 2009, 2:59 pmRev 778 - nabeel (9 file(s) modified)Finances only tally accepted PIREPs, charts field for airport~ /trunk/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/ops_airportform.tpl+ /trunk/admin/templates/pilots_viewallbids.tpl~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/common/FinanceData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/OperationsData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/update.sqlSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  22. Hmm, that's odd. In my script I do an explicit resize to 35x35, that's weird. I'll look into this further. Have to format up to the released copy of Win7 (on RC now), so I will check it out right after I do that.
  23. The data is returned as an array: http://us.php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php You need to use a loop like this: http://us.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php simpilot put an example up there of exactly how it would work.
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