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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. That's also a code error on my part, I'll be fixing that
  2. Update your route_map.tpl, or acarsmap.tpl. One (or both) of those is missing the map_zoom_level parameter
  3. Sounds like a bug then in the centering. I'll check it out, thanks
  4. No problem. Betas are going to be pretty stable now until release (I hope), so no new features. So if you're brave enough you can load it up on a subdomain and then point them to the same database if you want.
  5. Try this (two options) Empty the sessions table and then re-run the install/update.php OR DROP (delete) the sessions table, then re-run the install/update.php The table has to be empty to apply the auto_increment and PRIMARY KEY instructions to it.
  6. Charters are supported financially. Check out the FAQ forum for a thread on doing "random" schedules to arbitrary destinations. I'm aiming to get it out the door in another two weeks but it really depends on my work schedule as well. I'm down to about 5 major open bugs (down from about 15). I'm hoping to plow through those by the weekend. I'm trying to release with vaCentral, so I'm trying to get the client piece as stable as possible before any other release. I'm having problems with that on and off.
  7. Can you send me an ID to login with (or I'll create one) and your FTP? I'll try to take a look tonight
  8. Yes, do it from scratch, since you're going backwards
  9. Did you run the install/update.php? There were additions to the sessions table
  10. But that, you'll probably have to change in the actual template itself. What do you mean flights from your profile? Viewing a schedule/PIREP map will automatically center it around the route.
  11. Yup 780 would be 1.2.780 And did you start with a new database? That version number is updated in the database. You can check the changelog as well, the version number of the actual files will be in there.
  12. Empty your sessions table and clear your cookies, then try the login/logout
  13. Rev 781 - Auth and Login updates/fixes, round 227 October 2009, 8:49 pmRev 781 - nabeel (5 file(s) modified)Auth and Login updates/fixes, round 2~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/StatsData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/Frontpage/Frontpage.php~ /trunk/core/templates/frontpage_main.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  14. I added a column in the latest beta to include a chartlink in the admin panel. I forget the exact field name, but you can check the install/update.sql for the field. I think it's "chartlink"
  15. Modules have been revamped in the next version, so it will be easier. But for this, you just can modify the templates to call the functions. I think the video tutorials might make it clearer. But I will be revising the existing tutorials when the time comes to reflect the updated internals. I'll try to go in-depth for it, to cover alot of stuff.
  16. Heh, woops. Yeah, the schedules is a bit weird, there's the wrapper template, then the search fields, and then the results fields. It being AJAX'd requires it to be that way
  17. Hey, Sorry for the confusion. You should be running the latest released version, unless you know what you're doing, and can stand having something broken between revisions, since the betas are in flux from revision to revision. Somet things might be fixed, but others might be broken. Like right now, auth is a little fishy. Last week, bids were in flux (and still are a bit). I try not to break too much between commits, but sometimes it's inevitable. I've updated the download page to include better descriptions. http://www.phpvms.net/downloads
  18. Can't login? Clear your cookies and the sessions table. Try that out. There were big re-writes in this update so sessions could be tracked across both logged in and guest users. It does seem to be working on the dev site. And there still is some debug text left in there.
  19. Rev 780 - Rewrote auth system27 October 2009, 7:00 pmRev 780 - nabeel (9 file(s) modified)Rewrote auth system~ /trunk/admin/modules/Maintenance/Maintenance.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/StatsData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/Login/Login.php~ /trunk/core/templates/frontpage_main.tpl~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/update.sql~ /trunk/lib/rss/latestpilots.rssSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  20. This seems to be working for me, closing it for now
  21. I'll check it out. I'm rewriting sections of the Auth so hopefully any bugs will be fixed. Been kinda busy with work stuff so I haven't had time to completely get to it. Hopefully tonight
  22. Sorry, hmm, I don't see any errors at all. Can you try the beta and see if you still get that error?
  23. Jan, perhaps this is suited for it's own thread in Support or Addons? It'll get lost in here pretty quickly
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