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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You would have to check your web server logs about the server 500 error. I'm not sure what would be causing that. Does it happen when you do one certain thing? The thing is, I'm not sure what unit your fuel is in. So I could check when a PIREP is submitted, to tell it to calc fuel with the amount /2.2, but I dunno. I'll make the change/fix and see if has any other problems, and we'll see. It'll be in tonights commit
  2. Yeah, the login errors... I guess you happened to get into the beta where I was rewriting those portions. There can be some major or small errors but it with your help those things get fixed real quick (last week, or the week before, I had 5 updates in one day to fix errors)
  3. Can you delete that core/lib/pChart folder and reupload it? Maybe it was corrupted on upload. And no prob, I'm looking into my server issues right now actually.
  4. If you export in phpMyAdmin, you can export just the data. When you install (lets say 700), you run the installer. It sets everything up (I recommend starting here). After that, lets say you want to update to a beta (or the next full release). You upload all the files, and run the install/update.php. That should be it. It'll take care of table updates, and config file updates. You have to run it after every every time you update. If a table update has already been made, it will skip it. And the updates are cumulative, so if you update to 783, and skip 784 and 785 and goto 786, you just run the update in 786 and it will cover the previous. Templates - any templates you edit, you should be putting them in the folder for your skin (ie, if you're using the crystal skin, copy the template file and put it in the lib/skins/crystal folder), that way they're not overwritten in updates. When I make changes to the default templates, I list the templates and changes in the changelog file which is included in every release. This is so then you can transfer the changes to your customized templates. If you're getting errors, if you can post them, I'll see what's going on, it could be an error in my code which I haven't accounted for. Hopefully that helps
  5. James, I'm still having some server issues and trying to figure out what's going on there. I think it may be timing out, I'm still ironing out problems I'm having, but I have that diag page. For xacars, I'll probably just blank the field, yep, with a -. I'm trying to see if I can somehow calculate it as well. Disabled schedules go into a separate category on the left side. That was requested since there maybe so many disabled schedules mixed in. For aircraft, there's usually not too many. And the font one, weird, are the permissions OK in that path it's given? I really need to scrap that chart class, but not sure if I have time to do it...
  6. Yeah, that's normal. XAcars doesn't give a flight status or mileage/time
  7. Yes, they're autoloaded in when you use them
  8. Alot of code. A few things, instead of substr(), you can do $schedule->arricao[0] == 'A' That's faster than calling substr(). You could also convert this into a function. Just some pseudocode, but the basic idea: <?php function getMap($letter, $type) { $letter = strtoupper($letter); if($letter == 'A') { // Show map info echo "{$type} map..... <img src=....." // etc } elseif($letter == 'B') { // Do only the letters which have maps } else { // For all others, just do the echo "no map available" echo "{$type} has no map available"; } } // Then just call getMap($schedule->arricao[0], 'Arrival'); getMap($schedule->depicao[0], 'Departure'); Generally, if you're repeating any code more than once, you should be using a function http://us2.php.net/manual/en/functions.user-defined.php
  9. Ohh, between those two. I see. I will change that up
  10. Good luck. If you have trouble, post in that thread in the Build Log. If you're having issues with login/log out, let me know, if it's ok, I can FTP in and take a look, since I can't duplicate the issues some people are having.
  11. Hopefully login issues have been remedied. I checked across FF, IE6/IE7/IE8, Safari on three different machines. I fixed a bunch of installer issues as well. Added a template for "My Routes", and that also will center properly now ACARS map bug fixes, the "map_zoom_level" undefined error Added the two requests - pilot auto retire, after X number of days (default being 90), any pilots without a PIREP or logged in in that amount of time will be set to retired. The other request was a maintenance mode, so if that's set to true, then the site will be inaccessible to non FULL_ADMIN accounts. Right now in this commit it is working, however I realized a pitfall, which will be fixed in the next revision (pitfall is that, if enabled, ACARS flights/PIREP won't come through). Next commit will fix that..
  12. Rev 782 - Login, installer, ACARS, routes, maintenance mode, auto-retire29 October 2009, 11:45 amRev 782 - nabeel (20 file(s) modified)Login, installer, ACARS, routes, maintenance mode, auto-retire~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/bootstrap.inc.php~ /trunk/core/classes/Debug.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB_MySQL.class.php~ /trunk/core/codon.config.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/Login/Login.php~ /trunk/core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php~ /trunk/core/templates/acarsmap.tpl+ /trunk/core/templates/profile_myroutesmap.tpl~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/Installer.class.php~ /trunk/install/loader.inc.php~ /trunk/install/templates/config.tpl~ /trunk/install/update.sql~ /trunk/lib/js/acarsmap.jsSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  13. Added in the next beta, config option for days to set pilots retired, set to check the day of the last pirep, or if there's no PIREP, the join date. Uses two queries.. but there's an option to shut it off. Then from there, it's upto you what to do with it
  14. For the fuel issue, are your prices in kg/euro, or kg/dollar? I think setting it to the right price would be the proper fix, no?
  15. Adam, This might help ya out a bit: http://www.cssbasics.com/ But any questions for sure, feel free to ask
  16. You should use an editor like netbeans or zend studio which has syntax highlighting and error checking, it'll make your life much easier
  17. That's happening on dev too, I'll take a crack at it.
  18. In phpMyAdmin, can you do an export of the structure for the sessions table?
  19. I'm moving to The Planet this week, and bringing a dedicated database server online, in anticipation for vaCentral, and phpVMS growing. So there might be some sporatic downtime over the next week or so.
  20. Might be an error in the installer. I have not tested the installer yet. Goto 1.2.700 (the release), then upgrade upto beta.
  21. I only add fields or tables, or will change the type or size. I have a script which runs the update.sql against the old install.sql, so I'll know of any errors (usually). As of yet, I haven't removed anything. If I have to remove something, I stop using it in one version, and then remove it in the one after that, so there's some "step" time there.
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