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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. So give me some examples of the fuel used, and your prices, and we can step through and see what's happening. The prices sounds about right, though, are you sure it's per kg? That price that's shown in the PIREP is the *total* fuel cost, not per kg (it's labeled wrong, I'll double check this)
  2. Rev 713 - Pilot salary bug fix, location to lowercase26 June 2009, 12:33 pmRev 713 - nabeel (3 file(s) modified)Pilot salary bug fix, location to lowercase~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/RegistrationData.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  3. As in, what's "stupidly high". What's an airport example and what's your default price in the local.config?
  4. Ya, I had it installed before, I guess it got lost in the forum update
  5. I'll have to figure out how, hopefully I'll get some time to check it out this weekend
  6. Wow that's pretty lame. No wonder it's been kinda quiet LOL I had upgraded SMF. I had recaptcha working, perhaps it broke on the upgrade. Thanks man, checking it out now (ps - did you register, without the captcha?)
  7. It sounds like you're missing a float, or have an extra float in there somewhere
  8. I will be building into the core Codon code, so it will be a bit different, through the core classes etc, not individual includes. If you can wait a bit, after I get some other things out of the way...
  9. Perhaps, not in the near future though, a few other priorities first
  10. Not at the moment, the entire ACARS system will have to be re-done to do that. I was planning to do it, but I didn't have any database with VORS/NDBS
  11. Only if you're using the same flight number, the flight numbers have to be unique, but you can do the same route. Change the flight number, or add a letter suffix at the end
  12. 1 - Probably a rounding error somewhere, I'll see 2 - Use the Countries::getCountryImage($country) function to get the image. It shouldn't be in all caps, I cast everything to lower case. But I'll look again
  13. What version are you using, and try re-uploading th files, seems like a corrupt upload
  14. Hey, Welcome! I'm looking into doing some translation class or service, so that would help. I will let you know
  15. I haven't looked at this yet, but it'll be a fix on my end
  16. Yes, you can customize literally any aspect. Take a look in the /core/templates folder, all the HTML templates which are used are there, and you can customize any of them. You just have to copy the template file into your skin's folder. Check out the docs, particularly the skinning section.
  17. This fix related to the "Latest Bids" addon
  18. Rev 712 - SQL ambiguity bug fix24 June 2009, 7:43 amRev 712 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)SQL ambiguity bug fix~ /trunk/core/common/SchedulesData.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  19. I've fixed the error simpilot was talking about, it'll be posted in a few minutes to the build log/downloads area as beta. There was an 'ambiguity error' in the sql statement,
  20. Whoa whoa, wait, you changed a column name? The bidid is used in other functions (for removing and referring to bids), and it's the primary key and index of the table. Don't change column names!!
  21. It's login_forgotpassword.tpl
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