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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel


    Did you enter the prices into that table? Empty that table, those are only cached prices
  2. So what's the exact error?
  3. Nabeel


    In FSACARS set the unit to Kg also, it's in the config file IIRC. If it's not, I'll upload a patch which will do the conversions. Did the fuel report correctly?
  4. Nabeel


    Don't put it in quotes, eg: Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45);
  5. Nabeel


    Which airport did you test/what's the code you put in? I'm trying to duplicate this, seems to be returning the proper value If your default fuel value 3.9 in your config file?
  6. What's the main_link class contain in y our css?
  7. Looks like a typo: <link href="</php echo SITE_URL/>default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Should be <?php and ?>, respectively
  8. Try re-uploading the files again. In the first step, did you click "Check database connection"? What did that report?
  9. You have to put it in an image tag <img src="<?=php echo $award->image?>" />
  10. Nabeel


    This was fixed in the latest release
  11. Nabeel


    Check this read, and post the result: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=892.0
  12. Ok, so you have to set the fuel price in the airport dialog box. When you goto airports, select the airport, and set the price there. Or have you done that?
  13. Rev 707 - Days fix because I'm a moron15 June 2009, 8:06 amRev 707 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)Days fix because I'm a moron~ /trunk/core/classes/Util.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  14. You only have to chmod certain files (check the docs) The problem you're having is a problem with your host: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' There's an error or problem with their database server install. Try creating a new database user and new database. Contact them as well
  15. If you're using the same IDs now should be fine. Do a complete reinstall of fsacars, including deleting the directory. Then the above threads if there is a crash or error or some sort
  16. It could be using the wrong amount to calculate your total price (the amount left vs the amount used) Anyway, create a file called test.php in the same directory as index.php, and paste this into it: <?php include 'core/codon.config.php'; echo FuelData::GetFuelPrice('YMMV'); And run the file. Replace the YMMV with your airport (the departure in this case)
  17. Try it now, I'm a moron (just grab the latest beta again, it's only one file you need to update)
  18. Did you update the app.config.php file? Read that second post too in that build log thread, it shows what you have to paste into the config file
  19. I'll post a file tomorrow morning, we can see what's going on. But my other question was, is it possible it's calculating the price based on the fuel left? Is it a US airport? A price of 0 will default to looking online
  20. Try this http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=798.0 This would apply: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=795.0 It's because there's a backlog
  21. Who is your host? GoDaddy? You'll have to email them, something is not setup correctly on their end
  22. Don't rename the images, it's going to pick it up automatically; the flags are stored in the shortname format, and it maps the full name to the long name (there's a official ISO list with the abbreviations). For instance, if you look on: http://www.hawaiianva.org/index.php/profile/view/1 the flag image shows up The site looks great!
  23. Sure, you just have to edit that template, and move the <img src="..." /> portion to wherever you want it. I'm not sure which template that is, off the top of my head
  24. Nabeel


    I will check that out then, thanks! Can you post the log (just copy/paste) from FSACARS (the log that's posted on) It might be mismatching what's being returned. Question - maybe it's using the amount of fuel left in the tank, not the amount used? Would that make sense? The FSACARS docs aren't clear on that value. I'll probably have to read it from the log... if you can post that, that would be great Thanks
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