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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. There was another thread here about it, you hd to run a query, trying to find the thread now
  2. Nabeel


    fsacars also does acars messages
  3. It's not ready yet, but you run install/update.php
  4. Rev 718 - xacars integration testing1 July 2009, 11:29 amRev 718 - nabeel (2 file(s) modified)xacars integration testing~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Base.class.php+ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  5. Nabeel


    This looks interesting, thanks for the heads up. Will check it out. Coincidentally, I'm reinstalling FS so it's ready for the long weekend (takes a while ), hopefully I'll get the chance to check it out then
  6. Which routes are you trying to show? All of them?
  7. What are you trying to show?
  8. Rev 716 - mysqli and oracle db classes updated29 June 2009, 10:41 amRev 716 - nabeel (2 file(s) modified)mysqli and oracle db classes updated~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQLi.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Oracle.class.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  9. Rev 717 - More DB updates29 June 2009, 11:06 amRev 717 - nabeel (6 file(s) modified)More DB updates~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Base.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_DB.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQL.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQLi.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Oracle.class.php~ /trunk/core/codon.config.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  10. Rev 715 - DB class improvements29 June 2009, 10:36 amRev 715 - nabeel (7 file(s) modified)DB class improvements+ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Base.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_DB.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQL.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQLi.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Oracle.class.php- /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_SQL.class.php~ /trunk/lib/js/jquery-front.jsSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  11. Yup, you'll have to add it manually then. You can also send that info off to geonames.org, they might add it into their database. Thanks Dan!
  12. For the map you also need some of the javascript templates. What are some of the errors?
  13. I will take a look. What's your code on that page which shows the awards?
  14. You have to add the page in the admin panel first, then edit the file. Seems like permissions are not set to 777 in core/pages (for the folder and files it must be writable)
  15. Nothing changed with that. What page is it happening on?
  16. Rev 714 - DB class updates, allow edit of fuel price/amount in PIREP edit (untested)28 June 2009, 7:04 pmRev 714 - nabeel (15 file(s) modified)DB class updates, allow edit of fuel price/amount in PIREP edit (untested)~ /trunk/admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/pirep_edit.tpl- /trunk/core/classes/DB.class.php+ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_DB.class.php+ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQL.class.php+ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_MySQLi.class.php+ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_Oracle.class.php+ /trunk/core/classes/ezSQL_SQL.class.php- /trunk/core/classes/MySQL.class.php- /trunk/core/classes/MySQLi.class.php- /trunk/core/classes/Oracle.class.php- /trunk/core/classes/SQL.class.php~ /trunk/core/codon.config.php~ /trunk/core/common/PIREPData.class.php~ /trunk/lib/js/jquery-front.jsSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  17. you have to add it in the .htm file, which is the same name as the title
  18. I think it's $pilot or whatever the variable is // The country image echo '<img src="'.Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location).'" />'; // Join date echo date('m-d-Y', $pilot->joindate); Hopefully that helps!
  19. Nabeel


    No, no messaging feature planned, maybe admin alerts or something. And I don't know about text being moved around just yet, or about the next update.
  20. Nabeel


    Not at the moment, I'll eventually get around to having a translation table
  21. You shouldn't have reset, I think it says there it's only for if you have flights from before financials? I'm look into it in more detail Can you list the flights, fuel prices/total fuel, and then the financials what that says? Just do flights for June
  22. Hey, It would only file the one you selected to file. What are the flight numbers? User error maybe? Are the flight numbers similar? By default, any flights which aren't scheduled for the current day aren't shown. You can change this in the template, there's a comment in there which tells you what exactly to do to disable that (it's just commenting out two lines)
  23. I marked it pending so I'll come back to it, gimme a few days. Thanks!
  24. Yes, just co nfirmed. It's labelled wrong. That's the total cost of fuel for that flight
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