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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey Crash, I remember you from flightsimulationforums.com... same right? Hehe Well for the ranks, a few people have been having that problem. I'm checking to see what's going on. For now, you can manually reset the ranks, under maintenance options in the admin panel. Quick question - do you have it count transfer hours in ranks, what's that option set to?
  2. Nabeel

    Real order

    The order is the file that you download from the import page To leave it blank, just, well, leave it blank. Don't put anything Here,,There ^ skipped the middle
  3. It's not at intervals, since there's no cron running. It should be once you accept the pirep, itll bump up the hours and check the rank. I haven't had a chance yet to check it out
  4. Yes, awards would work for this
  5. Is your website URL correct in the config file?
  6. Nabeel

    route map

    Seems like you're putting HTML in your title
  7. Rev 724 - Sessions tracking, "remember me" login option (both incomplete)17 July 2009, 1:14 pmRev 724 - nabeel (10 file(s) modified)Sessions tracking, "remember me" login option (both incomplete)~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/bootstrap.inc.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/Login/Login.php~ /trunk/core/templates/login_form.tpl~ /trunk/index.php~ /trunk/install/install.sql~ /trunk/install/update.sql~ /trunk/lib/js/jquery-front.jsSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  8. 3000 PIREPS? Or just ACARS data?
  9. Yes I did, haven't had time to check it out yet. Been insanely busy at work, I've only been getting time to check the forum before I leave for work =
  10. Hey, Which version? And what PHP version?
  11. I think a few sites here use bluehost, works good
  12. Ya he did. phpVMS installed and works, right out of the box!?!?! But, sweet. Good luck with FSACARS, shes's finicky lol
  13. It should be doing it on it's own. Are you accepting pireps?
  14. Or the recommended hosting topic http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=669.0
  15. Nabeel

    Pilot Ranks

    I saw your post in the support forum, I'm looking into it. It should be updating the rank when you accept a pirep
  16. Marked as pending, gimme a few days to check it out, thanks
  17. This is on my list, along with the "total users" count
  18. Every pilot has to be assigned to a hub so tll show that, unless you want a complete list? Not hub-based?
  19. It should be automatically, I"ll take a look
  20. Rev 723 - Pilot location code bugfix13 July 2009, 7:38 amRev 723 - nabeel (3 file(s) modified)Pilot location code bugfix~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/RegistrationData.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/Registration/Registration.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  21. I wouldn't recommend them as a host. But it would work
  22. Can you PM me your site/page where it's happening?
  23. Thanks, that'll be fixed for the next beta/versoin
  24. Rev 722 - Fixes for 72111 July 2009, 4:28 pmRev 722 - nabeel (3 file(s) modified)Fixes for 721~ /trunk/core/classes/ezDB_Base.class.php~ /trunk/core/classes/Lang.class.php~ /trunk/install/loader.inc.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  25. Ah ok, there's some issues still yeah
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