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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Sounds like something is up with your host. Email them and tell them you're getting blank emails sent. Haven't heard of this problem with the software.
  2. The wrong coordinates might be returned or entered for the airports. I"ll take a look
  3. Rev 701 - Added bitwise values for admin panel permissions14 May 2009, 3:52 pmRev 701 - nabeel (6 file(s) modified)Added bitwise values for admin panel permissions~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/images/admin_logo.png~ /trunk/admin/lib/layout/styles.css~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/common/UserGroups.class.php~ /trunk/install/templates/footer.tpl~ /trunk/install/templates/header.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  4. I'm sure it can be done, I just need to do the homework on it first.
  5. Nabeel


    I've added some Google ads up, gonna give it a run and see if people actually do click on it. Add phpVMS to your adblock exceptions
  6. I can look into it, if you have any links with details or how it works, etc, then that would be good, since I'm not familiar.
  7. Nabeel

    Add bid

    Stupid question, but are you logged in?
  8. Re-upload the files, perhaps the Schedule module didn't get updated
  9. Nabeel

    Add bid

    I meant check in your local.config file, if it's not there do: Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BIG', false);
  10. You can add those through your template, the variables are available
  11. Nabeel

    Add bid

    Does it show on the default one? Also is Config::Get('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID') enabled?
  12. Thanks. I'm working on a demo and screenshots
  13. Nabeel

    Some help

    <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid); ?>
  14. URL for the forum changed to forum.phpvms.net
  15. haha it's supposed to be brown. Needed some filler there, still tweaking it...
  16. It won't destroy data, but it won't really do anything. You can export the data, delete the database, and reinstall, wipe the tables of data, then reimport the old data. Kinda lengthy, but should be one or two steps with the phpmyadmin exporter, I think there's a option to have it wipe the table data http://phpwsforums.com/showthread.php?t=3034 may help as well. This latest build 700 (today's) fixes alot of bugs, and it's now rigorously tested versus the other builds (full test suites, etc), been on running beta with quite a few users running, but I understand the waiting. I'd also contact your host and let them know there was corruption, might be something else going on.
  17. No problem. Try running a repair on the table, or delete the table, and re-run the install. Smells like corruption though. http://www.google.com/search?q=1033+-+Incorrect+information+in+file%3A+.frm May be a solution there. Also, I'm not sure if you're using the latest updated version (build 700 now, released today). I would try a scratch install with that.
  18. Tutorials are now working as well
  19. Hey there, It seems like the setup didn't go properly. Try a fresh re-install. The CURRENT_SKIN, etc are pulled from the database, when that failure shows up it means it failed pulling it from the database. What version of PHP and MySQL?
  20. Thanks! The docs/wiki is working now
  21. Post any problems or feedback about the new site here! Known problems - Tutorials aren't up yet - I'm reorganizing on the backend Docs aren't up yet either, debugging as to why the rewrite rules aren't working
  22. Rev 700 - Release build, download addition bug fix, next rank fixed to account transfer hours ...12 May 2009, 8:48 amRev 700 - nabeel (6 file(s) modified)Release build, download addition bug fix, next rank fixed to account transfer hours if selected~ /trunk/admin/modules/Downloads/Downloads.php~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/common/DownloadData.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/Profile/Profile.php~ /trunk/core/templates/profile_main.tpl/trunk/core/templates/schedule_bids.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  23. Fixed in 700, release posted as well
  24. Fixed in latest, but it will be a full release soon
  25. Gotcha, it's most likely just not counting it. I'll fix that up
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