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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. No, sorry, just checked the code, here's the equation, it could be wrong: <?php $distance = (3958 * 3.1415926 * sqrt(($lat2-$lat1) * ($lat2-$lat1) + cos($lat2/57.29578) * cos($lat1/57.29578) * ($lon2-$lon1) * ($lon2-$lon1))/180); # Distance is in miles # Do proper conversions if needed # Return in nm by default if(strtolower(Config::Get('UNITS')) == 'mi') { # Leave it in miles return $distance; } elseif(strtolower(Config::Get('UNITS')) == 'km') { # Convert to km return $distance * 1.609344; } else { # Convert to nm return $distance * .868976242; # Convert to nautical miles } return round($distance, 2);
  2. I haven't upgraded to IE8 yet to test it, does it work in other browsers? The loading means it's generating the chart, but maybe your host is slow so it's taking a while? Also, make sure core/cache is 777 permissions
  3. Nabeel


    Those have all been automatically filled in by the config file which you download. Unfortunately, FSP flights don't show up on the acars map
  4. It exists, search the forum or the add-on forum, it's around
  5. Scroll down past the errors, the form isn't there? In your local.config.php, set the ERROR_LEVEL to to: E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING
  6. Nabeel


    You don't have to do anything for FSpax, just download the config file in your pilot center and place it in your FSP folder. Then it will be available under VA exports
  7. Yes, your host thinks it's accessing a file outside of where it's allowed to. I'll check the error here too. But it's a warning, so you can safely ignore it
  8. You'll have to ask your host, since the file is within your account
  9. I think you have a PHP error or something, the page isn't finishing it's loading http://www.virtualraf.co.uk/index.php/schedules Did you modify any of the schedules templates? Can you revert to the defaults?
  10. Nabeel


    Include the whole site in an iframe? Why? There is skinning... If you mean an iframe on a page you create, you can do that, just click the "source" icon in the editor and you can slap in whatever HTML you want directly
  11. No problem. Site5 is a great host, the link is in the general forum if you're gonna move
  12. Nabeel


    Not at the moment.
  13. Nabeel

    Add bid

    Sorry, can you message me your URL again?
  14. Whichever one that's happening on
  15. I used camtasia for those It might not be a 'simple insert', it probably does other things behind the scenes as well, like phpVMS, it does a few other things
  16. Can you send me the link to your site?
  17. Nabeel

    Site error

    Did you edit a file?
  18. The script execution it's generating/calculating the image. Are you on a shared host? It sounds like they're over-loaded, if it's taking that long to generate. Usually it takes a few seconds at the most. He says it's not overloaded, but something is fishy there. Tell them it's using GD to generate a chart. I would also contact them about the emails, something sounds misconfigured? It only sends one email.
  19. I use modx on the phpvms site, found it loads better than joomla/drupal You'll have to include the core/codon.config.php, then look in the core/modules/registration code, it'll just be one function call
  20. You probably don't have any dates set for the schedule to fly on. There's a bit of code in the default template which will not show a flight if it's not scheduled for the current day of the week (so will only show Saturday's flights if you're viewing it on a Saturday). That's probably why. Also, read the changelog, any changes to template are explicitly stated there to make it a bit easier
  21. Doesn't matter how it's created, as long as it's correct to match the password. I use the current time combined with something else ( I don't remember off hte top of my head)
  22. You have to take that up with your host
  23. Is there an error? If you use Firefox and use the error console, does anything show up?
  24. Yeah, it's just a whole new layer has to be written, then language strings converted and re-written in over 50/60 files, one line at a time
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