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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey, This should be simple to do, in your PHP page you can do this. This goes at the top of your PHP page (be sure to change the first line to the proper path) <?php include '/path/to/core/codon.config.php'; $BaseTemplate = new TemplateSet; # Load the main skin $settings_file = SKINS_PATH.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.CURRENT_SKIN . '.php'; if(file_exists($settings_file)) include $settings_file; $BaseTemplate->template_path = SKINS_PATH; $BaseTemplate->Set('title', SITE_NAME); Template::Set('MODULE_NAV_INC', $NAVBAR); Template::Set('MODULE_HEAD_INC', $HTMLHead); $BaseTemplate->ShowTemplate('header.tpl'); flush(); ?> Then where the footer goes: <?php $BaseTemplate->ShowTemplate('footer.tpl'); # Force connection close DB::close(); ?> And you should be set
  2. For the path to the flash, use an absolute (the full URL), that may help
  3. Thanks for the suggestions I'm not 'integrating' with other CMSs, just integrating every phpVMS install with a central location. I'll consider some of your suggestions, but this: Is going to be somewhat included/controlled by this central service
  4. Nabeel


    Hey there, Well, I'm assuming your logged in already? Are cookies enabled? What browser, and OS?
  5. Hey there, It's not an error per-say but if you can ask your host to shut safe-mode off for PHP, that will help (as well as speed the site up a bit)
  6. Nabeel


    Essentially yes, but replacing every string in almost 300 files; but also writing the class to handle all that (I like to do it properly )
  7. HH.mm (I think that's how it's always been)
  8. That's fine, you may have a really old version of GD on your server, I'd ask your host to update that
  9. Well if you have specific questions, that is easier. Everyone here is trying to build a site and all, I'd read through the threads too, there's good tips and shortcuts around
  10. Nabeel


    Oof, this one goes back ! This would be pretty complex to do
  11. Are you using the beta copy? Are the manual PIREPs or through FSACARS?
  12. Hmm, can you create a php page called info.php, with the following in it: <?php phpinfo(); You can PM me the link
  13. Nope, it'll now actually read 1.23, the 1.45 is only used for pilot pay for fraction on the hour. But now it's correctly calculating the minutes (about time ). The PIREPS always save the hours.minutes format
  14. Nope, it's just how the database assigns the numbers
  15. Nabeel

    The Zen Skin

    It's fine, some people need some more help understanding, I have no problem with that.
  16. Well you need to first build a static template, then try to do the implementation. If there's something specific you need help on, that's easier to establish
  17. Hey, no problem. I'll check that out, it should be ok in firefox. That's IE7 right?
  18. Yeah the plane used won't transfer, that has to be set after the PIREP is submitted I'll try to get a quick tutorial for FSPax up tomo
  19. It stays for about 12 hours, you can change it in the local.config.php
  20. Hey, Those would all be in the CSS file
  21. Great, yeah, FSP is a little tricky to get the numbers right. I need to put up a quick tutorial for that in the docs section. No prob!
  22. LOL, the hour's is a known bug. If you install the beta copy (downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip), run the update, it's fixed in that. Does FSP give an error? What does it say?
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