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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey, We talked over PM. But, make sure the Flight ID is the code + flight number of the flight you're doin
  2. Nabeel


    Yeah, follow my tutorial and Roger's, mine starts out with a template like that and moves everything into it.
  3. Actually, it would. Does IE report any errors? What about the error console in Firefox? See the other thread on this page about the map
  4. Make sure all your airports have coordinates
  5. Which one is missing? Inside the loop, after the: <?php foreach($allschedules as $schedule) { ?> adding this: <?php if($schedule->deplong == '' || $schedule->deplat == '' || $schedule->arrlong=='' || $schedule->arrlat == '') { continue; } ?> Will skip that if any of the coordinates are blank. Let's see if that works
  6. Ahh, this: var point = new GLatLng(,); Is one your airports missing a latitude/longitude?
  7. Try some debugging, below the all schedules line: <?php $allschedules = ... # Add this: print_r($allschedules); ?> See if anything outputs. The GMap code seems to be there (when you view source). Try googling it as well ("Google Map missing"), etc, I will as well
  8. Link me to an example when it happens
  9. It shows what FSACARS reports, so it's unlikely it's a system bug
  10. Yep, but I guess it has a "survival of the fittest" effect
  11. But I don't think I'll have enough time for such a project
  12. Double of the planes? Did you edit that template?
  13. You know, that's a possibility. Just a basic flight tracker for phpVMS, supporting all it's functions, for 10 bucks or so. That's not a bad idea Mark
  14. Yep, that data would require alot more effort to track and log, so just trying to see if it's worth it
  15. And floats and those properties
  16. I am considering implementing FSFK into phpVMS, but only if there is sufficient interest. It's a paid ACARS program.
  17. Nabeel


    Well it'll be standalone, you can't "integrate" per say, it'll just be the same design (as in, you view source) and copy your HTML over. You can't really integrate the templates etc. What are you trying to integrate into?
  18. Ugh, guys I don't want any drama here. You don't need to apologize to me, just be respectful of everyone here, that's all I ask
  19. Excellent, glad to see it worked. I will double check that pax count. This will probably be in an official update this weekend, thanks for your patience! This was a weird one.
  20. Yes content is all yours. The copyright just covers the code and system itself.
  21. Did it show up in the PIREPs? Well, once you click "stop log" and then accept, it should have sent it already, you don't need to click anything else after that. I accidentally left debug output, that may be messing it up. Try this fsacars.php fsacars.zip
  22. Check with your host about the "open basedir restriction in effect" error message, that's a PHP setting
  23. Did you follow the instructions on the skinning guide for including those template pieces? That is the most common cause of this. If you did, PM me your site URL with a login and I can take a look
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