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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel


    D'oh. I'll let you know
  2. Would you mind trying the latest beta copy? (downloads.phpvms.net)
  3. I guess it's not happening with any other mails sent from the server?
  4. Hey there, What OS is your server, do you know what the mail program it uses is? Thanks
  5. I'm going do a tutorial on API which is a basis for that. If I get time, I may input in it, but I don't have much time to install phpBB and muck around etc. There is a survey link in this forum, there few a few suggestions in there I have seen which I am considering. There's a running "wish list" thread in the General forum as well that I'm watching.
  6. Ask your host, otherwise, line 95 in TemplateSet.class.php, in front of the file_exists(), put an @ to suppress the error.
  7. Nabeel

    Editing Templates

    There's a topic on this already @ http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?topic=67.0
  8. Not yet, in some version in the future. Hey problem, glad it's helping!
  9. Ah ok, in your php.ini file (xamp/apache/bin/php.ini) the line: ;extension=php_curl.dll Remove the ; in front, then restart Apache. That should enabled curl for ya
  10. Hey, I would check with your host about that. It has to be compiled into PHP.
  11. Nabeel

    Almost done

    I like the second one better. FSPax has a bunch of logo's on their site
  12. I love the sexy code coloring.
  13. Thanks alot! Here's the fix, run in phpMyAdmin: ALTER TABLE `phpvms_downloads` ADD `description` TEXT ASCII AFTER `name`; Added the column in the update install, but not in the full install
  14. Yeah, sorry. Just made a topic: http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?topic=404.0 If you can do that, it'll help greatly.
  15. I'm not getting this bug, which makes it weird. If you can do me a favor: Subscribe to the issue: http://phpvms.net/forum/index.php?issue=3.com5 And, open /admin/modules/downloads/downloads.php, Line 184/185 is: DownloadData::AddDownload($this->post->category, $this->post->name, $this->post->description, $this->post->link, $this->post->image); Under it, above the } add: DB::debug(); Please post the results in the above issue. Thanks!
  16. Hey, Welcome to the forums. For number 1 - that's a known bug. I'll be fixing that soon (this week) Number 2 and 3 - no requirements, just include the full link with http://
  17. You only need to edit local.config.php If you don't see the setting in app.config.php, copy it into local.config.php The local.config doesn't get overwritten in a update, app does
  18. Thanks everyone! I hope ya'll like it
  19. Add the float property to the CSS float: left;
  20. Oh ok... read it wrong. Yeah, don't rename tables lol
  21. Nabeel

    2 Q's

    Find that line, and place a @ in front of the set_time_limit() Sure, you can just look at the admin/templates/downloads_list.tpl I think it is, you can use that format
  22. Hey, Make sure lib/signatures is 0777, and then in the admin panel, under maintenance options, there's a link to regenerate the signatures
  23. Yep, clean indeed. On the schedule page, you need a float left to have it push up (add the float to that schedule's div)
  24. Nabeel

    3 Issues

    The import doesn't touch any aircraft information, just looks up the registration, if the registration doesn't exist it'll make it blank... so just add the registration for your aircraft in the aircraft section, then the import won't have blank aircraft
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