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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Changed Files: m core/version m install/sql/structure.xml + unittest/Tests/FinanceTester.php + unittest/Tests/InstallTest.php + unittest/Tests/OPSTester.php + unittest/Tests/PIREPTester.php + unittest/Tests/RouteTester.php + unittest/Tests/SchedulePIREPTest.php + unittest/Tests/StatsTest.php + unittest/Tests/TimesTest.php + unittest/Tests/UserTest.php + unittest/bootstrap.php + unittest/phpunit.xml + unittest/run_tests + unittest/utils/add_pirep.php + unittest/utils/bootstrap.inc.php + unittest/utils/diffcheck.php + unittest/utils/distancecheck.php + unittest/utils/fsacars.php + unittest/utils/fsfk.php + unittest/utils/fspax.php + unittest/utils/installer.php + unittest/utils/paycheck.php + unittest/utils/rank.php + unittest/utils/routetest.php + unittest/utils/template.php + unittest/utils/time.php + unittest/utils/times.txt + unittest/utils/twitter.php + unittest/utils/unit_test.php + unittest/utils/vac_diag.php + unittest/utils/vatsim.php restoring unittest folder which was somehow deleted(git commit -m refs View complete changes Download from here
  2. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Downloads/Downloads.php m admin/modules/Import/Import.php m admin/modules/Logs/Logs.php m admin/modules/MassMailer/MassMailer.php m admin/modules/PilotRanking/PilotRanking.php m admin/modules/Reports/Reports.php m admin/modules/Settings/Settings.php m admin/modules/SiteCMS/SiteCMS.php m core/classes/CodonModule.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/structure.xml code cleanup and tidying View complete changes Download from here
  3. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Import/Import.php m admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php m admin/modules/SiteCMS/SiteCMS.php m admin/templates/news_list.tpl m core/classes/CodonModule.class.php m core/common/SiteData.class.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/structure.xml fixed #40 bump news item View complete changes Download from here
  4. He does his own designs, I believe
  5. There might have been an add-on for this, but otherwise, no you have to code something
  6. That's why I put in my instructions to make a new user just for FSFK. It's not smart how that was done
  7. Run the debug steps in my signature and post your results
  8. Can you link me to their page?
  9. I'd wait about an hour since scores are recalculated every hour, could just be an error. Otherwise, pireps are only counted on a 3 month average, so if the number of pireps have dropped off, then that would explain it
  10. Talk to your host, maybe they restored a backup
  11. Yes, you can, but you have to attribute, and it has to be non-commercial (meaning you can't sell your modded version) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
  12. Changed Files: m core/version m install/hashlist m install/sql/structure.xml - unittest/Tests/FinanceTester.php - unittest/Tests/InstallTest.php - unittest/Tests/OPSTester.php - unittest/Tests/PIREPTester.php - unittest/Tests/RouteTester.php - unittest/Tests/SchedulePIREPTest.php - unittest/Tests/StatsTest.php - unittest/Tests/TimesTest.php - unittest/Tests/UserTest.php - unittest/bootstrap.php - unittest/phpunit.xml - unittest/run_tests - unittest/utils/add_pirep.php - unittest/utils/bootstrap.inc.php - unittest/utils/diffcheck.php - unittest/utils/distancecheck.php - unittest/utils/fsacars.php - unittest/utils/fsfk.php - unittest/utils/fspax.php - unittest/utils/installer.php - unittest/utils/paycheck.php - unittest/utils/rank.php - unittest/utils/routetest.php - unittest/utils/template.php - unittest/utils/time.php - unittest/utils/times.txt - unittest/utils/twitter.php - unittest/utils/unit_test.php - unittest/utils/vac_diag.php - unittest/utils/vatsim.php unitest updates for phpunit View complete changes Download from here
  13. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Import/Import.php m admin/templates/sidebar_airports.tpl refs #1 export airport (no import yet) View complete changes Download from here
  14. Sorry - PM me the email address that you used when you registered
  15. Change all of your passwords, including hosting account and email. Passwords in phpvms are hashed so they wouldn't be discovered in that way
  16. I believe one already exists in the admin area
  17. Not sure what would be causing this. Are the flight reports accepted (make sure that they are) They won't be hitting any integer limit
  18. They need to turn off the PHP asp_tags setting in the PHP config.
  19. No deadline Yeah, that's what I saw! That's really cool!
  20. I thought it'd be awesome to have a giant thing with users from around the world! I edited the original post!
  21. I think it would be really cool to get postcards from phpVMS users - I can post them up on the site. I know there's a worldwide user base, it'd be cool to see it, though It can be from your country or your town or whatever. I'll make a giant mural and post them online! This project is coming up on 5 years almost! Anyone interested? I'll post an address to send them to!
  22. Looks interesting; I use all command-line now, but if I run into clients who want a panel, I'll suggest thing. cPanel is rather heavy. And also your name - zPanel - err, if cPanel catches wind, I'm sure they'll have a problem...
  23. They did the same thing with FSX, they're just showing off the things that can be shown off in screenshots
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