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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Heh, I tweaked some server settings. What happens is that it serves up about 1000 requests before starting the process. Someone hits the jackpot as it's restarting, and boom - 500.
  2. I see all these in your header: <script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/jquery-1.4.2.js"]http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/jquery-1.4.2.js[/url]"></script> <script src="[url="view-source:http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/jqFancyTransitions.1.7.js"]http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/jqFancyTransitions.1.7.js[/url]" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/sja.js"]http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/sja.js[/url]"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/hoverIntent.js"]http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/hoverIntent.js[/url]"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/superfish.js"]http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/superfish.js[/url]"></script> That first line can be taken out since jquery is already included. I'm seeing these errors on the index.php/schedules page: missing ( before formal parameters http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/skins/sja/js/sja.js Line 57 $("#form, .ajaxform").ajaxForm is not a function http://www.flysnapjet.com/lib/js/phpvms.js Line 31
  3. Means there's still some script error. You can try installing the firebug plugin for firefox, enabled it when load that schedules page and try using the search. You'll see some errors popping up there too. What's the link to your page?
  4. I think it's done mostly by doing manual queries on the database. You can use a tool like TOAD for MySQL to generate the queries and stuff (it's takes some getting used to for using). If you take a look at the core/common/statsdata.class.php you can see how the statistics are currently formed, and do something like that and create your own queries
  5. The error 500 is a pesky server error, just refresh it and it'll go away. It shows up once in a while, it's a bit annoying, I agree. I've been working on a newer version for which I'm actually going to roll out this week, depending on my 'real job's' workload. I was working on it today. VA signups should be working, though
  6. Try freshing your cache maybe? Maybe you removed it in the wrong place by accident?
  7. That is pretty sweet. And controller through XML - very cool. You can just create a module where one method spits out all the XML, and another calls the view to show it.
  8. If you check the firefox error console, it's probably going to action.php since there's a Javascript error. Otherwise, it should just reload it right in the div there. It's most likely a Javascript error. That error console should give you some clues
  9. I would recommend using POST and sending it as XML (or parameters, but XML might be easier), which you can parse easily. The problem with GET is that there is a character limit. Also, you did private function when it should be public. As private, the dispatcher can't call it.
  10. Hey Dale, Click Documentation up top, then ACARS Guides, and then FSPassengers. Keith did an excellent video walkthrough for it
  11. Going to action.php will be without the skin, since it's the AJAX caller. Use index.php/schedules/view
  12. Yes, the number of passengers or cargo. There's also the flighttype parameter. Look at the filePIREP() function and populatePIREPFinance()
  13. Nabeel

    View Badge

    It's been fixed, I PM'd you with the problem.
  14. It's in there commented out, I can't remember off the top of my head
  15. For pages? There is a 'not found' template
  16. What do you mean by two menus? You can have a minimal skin and load up in an iframe the site
  17. Try the stock schedules viewer and see if that works with the rank restrictions, that would be a start to narrowing down the problem
  18. Maybe it's just because I'm a bit intoxicated at the moment, but I read that as wanker29 lol
  19. Nabeel


    You're both on fivedev - use the MySQL Wizard to setup the database - the username and password you enter there is what you'd use - and prefix the username with the account name. You can also PM or open the support ticket and I'll guide you through it
  20. Can you run the checkdb and checkinstall.php scripts? There was a ticket but I thought it was fixed
  21. Yeah, if you look at that "Merger Email" thread, this has been going on quite a bit
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