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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I would run a profiler or something (Chrome might include one) to see where the holdup is. The Firebug toolbar for Firefox should help too
  2. Who's your host? I'd contact them.
  3. Nabeel

    Pilot ID

    The next settings is the length, set that to 3. You have to use offsets, the ID's are assigned by the DB
  4. You don't have to modify anything in the registration.php. You can add custom fields through the admin panel. The second error, can you paste the output from running: install/checkinstall.php install/checkdb.php
  5. They can but it's buried in the code, I think I'm just using the default colors
  6. Perhaps down the line, but nothing anytime soon
  7. Strange, worked for me..
  8. Nope.. only that registration page... What did your host say?
  9. Fixed the thing that says click twice..
  10. Nope, no offense taken!! I know what you meant
  11. Which admin stuff? Have you done any changes to the admin panel? Follow the debug instructions in my signature - enable the DEBUG_LOG to true. Then try saving a pilot and then send me the core/logs/log.txt file. If there was an error, it'll show upthere.
  12. The flight might be bid on. In the local.config.php file there are two settings you should check to see if they're enabled. I don't remember them off the top of my head.
  13. Trying the best I can, I've been completely slammed at work and involved in a new startup. If there's a layout.tpl file, then it will ignore the header.tpl/footer.tpl. Docs here: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/skinning-and-customization-guides/skin-elements-r20 I mean, start small, and use that example in the docs there. You'll have problems going to some uber complex layout directly without starting really small and seeing how it works. As for tutorials, they're down because they're all old and have stuff from 1.0 in them. I haven't had the time to record, and I don't have a mic either. But yes, if someone can whip up a quick tutorial, that'd be great
  14. Where is the sort by status? Left hand side?
  15. You can in the schedule_results.tpl check what airline is it and not show the add to bid link, somethin like: if($schedule->code != 'airline code') { echo 'show the link'; }
  16. Talk to your host, that's an error on their end
  17. Talk to your host, it's their error
  18. Glad you got it sorted. Check out the documentation here as well, it's all explained there
  19. There is an addon which takes care of this, I believe
  20. Check what Dan has said first, if that's OK then we can debug a bit more
  21. If you search for it, it's come up before. simpilot I believe had some instructions
  22. Talk to your host, seems like they're running low on memory
  23. Why is it over-writing crystal? Just rename it to something different. Less headache when updating. Otherwise, looks good.
  24. Nabeel


    Hey, I dunno, those floating menus with all the CSS are like voodoo to me. Hopefully someone with a better idea will come along, have you tried maybe a different script for doing that?
  25. Search for 'top pilots'
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