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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. For now if you use an expense with a negative amount, that should work
  2. I'm working on a new algorithm which takes into account mainly the number of pireps you have, I think maybe that'll be the best
  3. Yeah there's a code error, I'm working on it. I'm trying to get some more logging in there so I can figure out exactly what's going on.
  4. You don't need to copy the Reigster.php file, only the templates Make sure your host allows outbound email and that the settings are correct ( ie, you don 't need SMTP)
  5. Can you delete everything and reupload again? Who is your host? Is it a free host?
  6. Yeah, I didn't think of that, that works as well. Glad it's working now
  7. There won't be categories but I am working on alliances/groups type things
  8. Updated Tickets: [VMS-325] - Copy uploaded files to local temp dir Changed Files: m admin/modules/Import/Import.php m core/common/CentralData.class.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml VMS-325 #close fixed, PIREP file fixed, import bug and KACARS update View complete changes Download from here
  9. You can also use an .htaccess file http://www.thejackol.com/htaccess-cheatsheet/ What you do is create a file called .htaccess and throw that stuff in
  10. Ah ok, you'll have to change it in that module. I'd look in the module itself, or the template file which is included
  11. Oh it's showing it in the wrong column you mean?
  12. Hey, Take a look in the local.config.php file, ther date format is in there, or the Admin Panel-> Site & Settings -> General Settings
  13. What's the URL to your phpVMS install?
  14. Make sure the local.config.php file is completely empty with a filesize of 0 and try installing again
  15. It'll just ignore the password. Check off that LiveACARS box and make sure there's no firewall issues. Or just use kACARS
  16. Hey, Can you paste the output from /install/checkinstall.php?
  17. Haha good, because after that I would have had no idea.....
  18. Cool, that wasn't old it was part of the next commit but I'll have it in 941. Thanks dude
  19. It will fill in all the columns which aren't missing with blanks so you should be ok
  20. Then do a fresh DB install, export your data then import it back in
  21. They don't have the aircraft listed there? Just match that up
  22. Search... this has been asked many times before. There's even a new addon for it
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