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Everything posted by t_bergman

  1. You can do it, use (include('../core/codon.config.php') and then you are able to access phpVMS within a separate php page. You will need to also set your default document accordingly and edit some links if they redirect back to phpvms/index.php
  2. You cannot mix html and php. So <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { //do stuff if they are logged in... ?> HTML GOES HERE <?php } else { //do stuff because they are not logged in ?> HTML GOES HERE <?php } ?>
  3. t_bergman

    VMSEditor 1.1

    Bump, to see if its still out there.
  4. As I said above, you seem to be on free hosting. Lots of issues happen this way. Its best to have a shared web hosting account with a reputable hosting provider. Fivedev hosting is offered for a nominal charge and is run by Nabeel who authored the software.
  5. Let me find the code and I will reply back to this thread, I accidentally deleted mine (just found out) and my host is recovering the file from a backup.
  6. 5.5.x brings updated security features to the system. It's a manual update I believe, if you are comfortable with that you are able to upgrade by: -Back up both your phpvms root folder/MySQL database. -Save both to local media where they will be safe. -Download and upload Simpilot's phpVMS v5.5.x -Upload your original skins folder, local.config.php and app.config.php files. -Upload any other files which you may have modified which are outside your skins folder. -Run install/checkinstall.php If nothing went wrong you are all set, if something went wrong you can back up and try again. I like to have a beta channel to install things into, so I have lab.hphvirtual.com as kinda my sandpit to install and test things in. I have an identical database which I can mess around with. That way I can see what works and what doesn't.
  7. Is that free hosting? Free hosting is known for having issues. To turn debugging on.
  8. I had the same issue, it was a php configuration but I believe isolated to windows hosting. You can always try php v5.3.29 which solved the problem for me. Its a long shot as you're on linux.
  9. A link might be helpful to your site. It may be a corrupted file, otherwise do you have debug turned on and are there errors in the acars log file?
  10. You could do a php if statement. If logged in { http meta refresh } else { your code }
  11. Also, see if clearing the cache eliminates the error.
  12. Just one question, I am parsing the XML and sometimes the sky condition <sky_condition sky_cover="FEW" cloud_base_ft_agl="3500"/> appears more than once depending on the weather. How can I get each item to show up. Example <sky_condition sky_cover="FEW" cloud_base_ft_agl="3500"/> <sky_condition sky_cover="BKN" cloud_base_ft_agl="4200"/> Returned as two different arguments(not sure if this is the right term). My code which is what is parsing it. <?php echo $filecontents->data->METAR->sky_condition[sky_cover];?> at <?php echo $filecontents->data->METAR->sky_condition[cloud_base_ft_agl] ;?> And I am loading the $filecontents variable with $filecontents = simplexml_load_file("https://aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&stationString=$icao&hoursBeforeNow=1"); EDIT: Figured it out.
  13. Got all of this working, definitely the way to go. I switched data providers and I am parsing an XML file instead. Thanks for all the help.
  14. Its a SmartCARs issue then, whats happening is the location of the airport (Lat/Long) is too far away from where the pilot is starting his flight. Large airports are often several square miles in area. Either they need to relax the starting location by a mile or two, or you can put your aircraft right at the exact long lat which is in the phpVMS database and see if you can start a flight.
  15. Reupload those two files again, and then run the check. You should only have edited files in your skins folder. This way if you make a mistake you can always delete and start over very easily. If this doesn't work I'm out of ideas, hopefully someone else will have something.
  16. Im not quite sure I can see what you are talking about in terms of links, im using firefox. In terms of the logo, you can easily do that with CSS and z-index, if you google it you will find loads of videos about how it works. (I'm not sure if this is the BEST way, but it is A way.) Overall the site looks really good, not sure why you consider it "OK"?
  17. Does SmartCARS have it's own database of where airports should be? Are they large airports or smaller airport which are throwing the error? I ask as its possible the data in your database is too far away from a gate. You can compare whats in your database with airnav or faa coordinates. See if when you update the database the error goes away for that airport.
  18. Well, the error is saying that phpVMS cannot update the ipaddress of your account from which it was last edited. One thing I notice is that your database prefix is non standard, did you change it? If you did thats ok, its just not how phpvms installs the database. It also doesn't know your pilot id, this is most likely the cause of your layout.php file not being able to display it as html for the browser. It's possible its a corrupt file. You can verify this by going to the install/checkinstall.php page, you'll have to upload the install folder again to your server as you should have deleted it after your install. One thing to note, if your host has PHP v5.3.29 installed try that first. It may solve your problem, I'm hosting under Windows and this version of PHP solves all of my issues.
  19. Hmmm, thats very weird. Does it just not show the pilotid, is it wrong, blank? Turn the debug setting to TRUE (core/local.config.php line 14) and in the core/logs/errors.txt or core/logs/log.txt does it give an error. Before trying to find the error make sure to delete all of the text within those two documents, save, and refresh your site. This makes sure we are only going to see errors that are currently happening.
  20. hmmmm, I've got that working in my layout.php file. What pages are you trying to display it on?
  21. best advice is keep it simple and take on things one step at a time. Turn DEBUG mode on too, this will help you when you run into php errors. W3 schools has a lot of great reference for html, css and php.
  22. If UAC is off, programfiles(x86) should be fine. Make sure it's being run with admin permissions. Take a look at eventviewer too. It will tell you what is crashing.
  23. Site works for me. Now modify away!
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