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Everything posted by joeri

  1. what schould i be seeing ?
  2. some things i persnaly like is stuff like an extended fleetmanagement no its just like active /retired but i needs some more options like leased out /maint,.... autoawards i know Jeff has this but for me it lacks some thing his i belive has it calculated on hours and amout off pireps but i would need something like flown a sertain flight,sertain landing,.... and then the existing like loa by sava hooked in to the current system so that this would run automaticly. those are the ones i can think off now at the moment with the laptop next to me when i am eating dinner :-) rest might be for later
  3. didn't say i wouldn't buy this i just cleared out that this was already out there. in my honnest opinion its ok that everybody brings on addons for phpvms and even get paid for this by selling the module but i would suggest try to bring something that is new and not a copy(not ment as copying it over from simpilot his code) there are many good things i still would like to see here in the forum not just a existing thing
  4. LOL this script ios already out here made my Simpilot
  5. Iknow what i am talking about. you stating that you have the best hosting and that everything is unlimited then you get a question over that regarding unlimited and you state that indeed you have unlimited without anny restriction but then when you look at your website there are manny restrictions so to me thats like lying. but never mind good luck with your unlimited hosting.
  6. so iff i use your shared hosting and cranck it full you won't stop me iff an other customer has problems from me cranking don't know how manny gigs on ther server. don't think so and you also not accourding to your acceptable usage policy.
  7. yeah can happen that u use the wrong one but then again could you explaint why this one is out there for something completly else http://forum.avsim.net/topic/373071-fsx-support-for-prepar3d/ this is the wilco E-190 regards
  8. how would yo ube able to provide the best hosting on nothing more then shared hosting ?
  9. quick question the first picture the star alliance not to bring you down but just to get things sorted i found the exact same picture you made and its from about 4 years ago but you state yo umade it 6 months ago? plz explain.
  10. just send over your cpanel login or make me a temp one i will look at it and fix it kind regards
  11. Servetas is correct best to stay away from unlimitid hosting they try to cram as manny on 1 server as possible and indeed if i am going to upload 150 gig of data wil thid be ok? also your name sounds verry familiar to my ears in these forums
  12. i agree also its mostly a wast of money as like mentiont you probably will get in trouble for playing copyrighted material. and for a longhaul flight i mostly do stuff arround the house like cleaning and stuff
  13. nope just created a file calle loca.config.php upload it to your core folder and then cmod it to 777
  14. welcome to the club Brain i belive you are now painter number 13 that is offering its services here
  15. looking good only thing i would loose is the background litle bid to manny TWA's
  16. post sounds verry simmular to a sertain person that was offering the same service here in the past
  17. RAM gaar na een middagje knallen bij Bootcamp Maaseik maar het was weer fijn

  18. contact simpilot he is the best out there
  19. have patiantce we aren't here 24/7
  20. Friendship indeed Sava still wating for news from my painter
  21. i belive this has somethign to do wit ha whitespace
  22. will still waiting for you man shhot me a mail regarding the paints
  23. LOL was thinking the same
  24. so you make a press release stating a new airline and then you don't have it yet wierd i would suggest to get permission from them
  25. true but the above statement was that there was no other
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