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Everything posted by joeri

  1. joeri

    Site Hacked

    you are clearly not listening to david(simpilot) you need to look at your database this one seem to have empty tables so take a backup and upload it back to your database
  2. joeri

    Site Hacked

    like Simpilot already mentiont he only hit your database. did you have a cusom skin iff so reupload those files and it schould be working again
  3. yeah he just changed his post and made a complete new airline
  4. what are you pointing out that there is already an airline with a somewhat simular name. because for the rest nothing is simular they are from the UK you from the US. so ..........hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  5. hopla de hond van de buren aangereden. was te vermoeden dat dit ooit ging gebeuren kond die minstens 1 keer per maand terug brengen dat die ontsnapt was.

  6. wouldn't it be easyer to just have 1 picture instead of 5 now i need to alter 5 pictures to have it looking for my website
  7. bedtijd voel nu al dat het bed zwaar gaat draaien en morgen de kop steen hard zal zijn

  8. Thats the great live of airline hoppers is something like facebook and have friends on there that you don't speak to and even don't know
  9. yeah hmmm i thouth your site look a lot different before so it could be him asking the same or or wait you might found the same resources online. the people who shout the hardest are most likly to use design ques from other websites imho
  10. not sure how the US law is on this but here you are from the moment u register and provide annything entitled to change and even ask for a deletion of name in your records. but with the phpvms software its not possible to delete a pilot whom have made anny flights just looked at your record and it seems you have 0 flights so its perfectly possible to delete your account. so i would just email him with this and demand that he deleteds your account
  11. it depends on what you need and where it needs to comunicate with
  12. what mod do you think
  13. yes you can but then you will need to create 1 in all 360° of turn
  14. Still not good its better but it lack structure
  15. is this the same aggreement you had with lufthansa and also with i belive us airways. not sure why you always open new airlines and let toth others dissapear
  16. i was actually joking to my earlyer post :-) looked at that before i made the post :-)
  17. hey Ian how did you got those names :-)
  18. correction actually 2 well known noobs from this forum
  19. it looks like you are pilot one so its your va i think but good luck as i know skyteam won't allow the use off their logo. and 1 verry know pilot you do have
  20. klaarmaken om eens lekker te gaan knallen bij Bootcamp Maaseik ,het lekkere eten van gisteren er ff gaan afspelen

  21. plaat checkgoei goesting checknu de nieuwe auto halen

  22. first i would create a good working website manny errors and lack of collor
  23. what does this do?
  24. en waar is die zogezegde sneeuwstorm nu geen vlokje aan de hemel hier

  25. Cori i am going to keep these they made my day
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