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Everything posted by joeri

  1. why an american airline with a registration in montenegro europe?
  2. when you delete a pilot his pireps ar also deleted so i think you need to go in the table from the Touchdown and delete it directly from there
  3. free hosting will give these problems
  4. and howlong are you going to hold the new one open . i hate those 1 monthers more and more
  5. iff you are true then i wish you all the best. not sure how url transfering goes in the us but here ist just a mather off sendign an email and getting a transfercode. so again good luck finding customers but i must say look out with welka he is know for stealing work from others. thats why i ask you this as the name off your hostng was verry familiar and i did a quick google to find out it was from welka
  6. strange as the url is linked to a person who is banned here on the forum manny know him and can't stand him
  7. hello thanks for the help but i was actually referring to doing it directly in phpmyadmin so it would go faster its only a 1 time thing i need to do but i will give it a try like you stated
  8. hello all quick question as i am somewhat stuck as my sql coding sucks i need to update a table where the value is currently 3 and must change in to 1 for the whole table how would i write it in sql thanks in advance joeri
  9. Sammy could you plz share something with me are you the owner off the hosting or are you posting for a friend
  10. lol i was affraid to post it
  11. seems to be working in the cpanel hats strange
  12. are you alble to login now iff you need help i will change your mail in the cpanel
  13. Eddie are you on the release or on a bate i know there has been a error like this in one of the beta's
  14. just open a ticked in the hosting pannel requesting a password reset
  15. cpanel is not handeld by phpvms you need to do a cpanel pasword reset
  16. i will bid 5 rupies now i only need to know the conversion to EURO so i know what i am actually need to pay might adjust my bidding then
  17. sweet dreams world

  18. hoppaaa voor de gelovige paterkes onder ons this wer tijd voor ne nieuwe te kiezen

  19. joeri


    this is just plain Roger. and i think he is correct latley many peopel only work like this and i follow him in his statements
  20. yep i must follow Ian in his comments lose the thik border and you have one outstanding www
  21. i hope the template you know have isn't the professional custom made website you are talking about. but annyway good luck with the va
  22. this sounds to me a verry frustrated persone who can't have it that you have a thompson va i think as i never heard off this before what you could do is give a bogus username and pass to track his ip and then hand it over to the authoreties i didn't even know vms had a second admin :-)
  23. stop sending complaints on how you think he offended you. he is just asking and telling the he finds 10 euros expencive not bashing or offending you in anny way
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