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Everything posted by joeri

  1. wilco has nasty paintkits but i was mearly pointing in the direction off letting people bid on the paints so the cheapest got it most painters have a set price for painting :-)
  2. anny luck on finding a painter?
  3. contr F5 wil force your browser to get a fresh coppy from the server best to do this every time you change something
  4. did you deleted the old ones in the folder via ftp
  5. let me kn ow when you are up and running
  6. do you also do wordpress themes?
  7. probably because you have that error from the screenshot class
  8. arent u stealing when u are using nulled templates
  9. try and reupload the files something might got corrupted
  10. all the about me comes from a site that offers nulled scripts great way to make a name
  11. zo na een dagje goed uitzieken op de zetel eens opstaan en jahoor voel mij alweer beter.

  12. zo de lanparty was geslaagd. heeft een duo ticket naar europese bestemming bij Brussels Airlines gewonnen

  13. Zo vandaag de nieuwe auto besteld.en nu hopen dat de 8 weken snel om zijn

  14. we count transferhours but we only allow a max off 140hours to be transferd so that all start somewhat equal
  15. closed by request from TS he was getting to mush people on his site and didn't had the bandwidth to cope with it
  16. heb hier nog ne Acer smartphone liggen die weg mag, omdat ik ne nieuwe heb gekocht. iemand intresse shoot me a PM

  17. ram gaar na een heerlijk middagje knallen

  18. dat het maar snel morgen middag is nog eens lekker knallen Bootcamp Maaseik word tijd de nieuwe marker eens testen

  19. shoot david an email he could help you out
  20. i have seen more people having problems with Godaddy and 500 erros with phpvms
  21. not boring just not the correct settings of your server
  22. OK so now i am going to hop in first the problem with not been able to install was a problem on your server as i looked at it and from the moment i created a single file(local.config.php) the whole server went in to an internale server error. second ,both installs you are showing have nothing to do with phpvms. the first is showing a stock page for IPS i also have it as i use it for automated flights, second i see some boxes and with this i know that this site is working with vafs (this only requires basic html and some iframes) so totaly no phpvms install
  23. leuk bij base is je gsm stuk(die je daar gekocht hebt) moet je die zelf opsturen want zij werken niet samen met de hersteldienst van het merk

  24. where did you do that Kyle i could not find it :-)
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