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Everything posted by joeri

  1. could you provide me with an ftp or something so i can try and install it for you see iff i have the same problems
  2. hello all here is my first website i created. special thanks to simpolot for the help. let me know what you think off it or what could be improved. citybirdva gr joeri
  3. hey Cor your also from belgium thout you where from holland sorry the Netherlands
  4. happy Newyear from Belgium only the beer is giving me a haedacke
  5. ok jake now you have me confused. first you are begging me to do your paints and now your are telling here iff he was from the uk you would help him i find that a bid wierd the now suddenlu you can do paints for others
  6. or you need to write a module to call al the page's you want to show extra
  7. ok first off all today i am to lazy to do a search as i am still hangover from X-mass so i am gonna shoot it here and hope to get an awnser now in the local config we can set a va to maintanance telling people to come back later or watever we type there. is there a possabilaty to link it to a tpl file where pilots could register and some info is shown. thanks in advanse your lazynes joeri
  8. hey roger with the help off simpilot i have something simular with the airmail. when i have mail i get a popup with you have mail maby it possible to extend this to show the news you wont to show gr joeri
  9. first off all don't do iff you have a problem its still a hobby for all of us so don't get mad iff an error acures secondly could you plz tel me the last pirep that i pilot send to YOUR site the pirep number you can see this in your database. gr joeri
  10. question what version are you on i am on the 1 befor the lest beta this is what i have in there /* Proper timestamp */ $pirepdata['flighttime'] = str_replace(':', '.', $pirepdata['flighttime']); $pirepdata['flighttime_stamp'] = str_replace('.', ':', $pirepdata['flighttime']).':00'; /* Export status as 0 */ $pirepdata['exported'] = 0; $pirepdata['submitdate'] = 'NOW()'; $pirepdata['accepted'] = PIREP_PENDING; $pirepdata['expenselist'] = '0'; # Do the insert based on the columns here $cols = array(); $col_values = array(); foreach($pirepdata as $key => $value) { switch($key) { case 'submitdate': $cols[] = "`{$key}`"; $col_values[] = 'NOW()'; break; case 'comment': continue; break; default: $cols[] = "`{$key}`"; $value = DB::escape($value); $col_values[] = "'{$value}'"; break; } } $cols = implode(', ', $cols); $col_values = implode(', ', $col_values); $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.TABLE_PREFIX."pireps ({$cols}) VALUES ({$col_values});"; DB::query($sql); $pirepid = DB::$insert_id;
  11. joeri

    not found

    ok ow i am going whoooooopwhooooop its working fine again probably with the snow here :-) thanks again jeff
  12. joeri

    not found

    i will send you the file in a bid. i uploaded the module but i needed to change the name or it was not working.yes its the free
  13. joeri

    not found

    that for whome the initial question was dude no just kidding yeah never seen it poping up on the forums either and a merry x-mass to you all here its gonna be a white one finaly last is aboud donno how manny years ago
  14. joeri

    not found

    the newest
  15. joeri

    not found

    hey vans yeah they are in there also the second part you are reffering to i made in the first post is also done searching by flightnumber is working
  16. joeri

    not found

    hey Jeff i have a wierd error atm when bidding on a flight kacars cant find it annymore so when a pilot make a bid opens kacars and then select get flight number info it returns no flights found. also the setting is not search by flight so it schould find the bidded flight gr joeri
  17. working just fine here whate are you using as lookup server
  18. joeri

    HELP !!!!

    i believe this template is still wroking on the old method but normally its schould be backwards compatible. look at the site from roger he can help yo on this
  19. it will be tommorowfor me utc +1 here so its 9pm
  20. @ all server is running again was still a small error @basti try it again nowit should work and all schould be fixed
  21. joeri

    HELP !!!!

    what version are you on plz
  22. server is fixed again now all should work
  23. i think there are still some issiues with the phpvms server talking to nabeel shortly
  24. hello all just to let you all know the VACentral site id back online. problem got fixed
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