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Everything posted by joeri

  1. look in your local config you are probably using the path to the same server as where vacentral is on
  2. plz stop beggin for code's do some searching and you probably will find something
  3. i had fsacars working for about 2 weeks after that database error as mention we don't support fsacars annymore.plz use kacars
  4. iff you had dona a search you would have comme up that phpvms doesn't suport fsacars annymore best thing you can do is use kacars from Jeff-fstools. also the error you are having i could only solve by reinstalling the database.
  5. just hang on nabeel will look at it when he has the time. gr joeri. closing the tread also
  6. sadly that is true va central schould expand mush more would be great some competition between the airlines instead off just linking it to the total pireps.it would be so mush more iff it had so manny more features. maby we schould start a petition to nabeel to get him off his reallive work and let him work on this just kidding
  7. joeri


    indeed Simpilot i also wouldn't do it thats asking for trouble
  8. ok thanks m8 will give it a go
  9. Mark, i was sneaking on your site and i notiched that you made a direct link with vroute could you explain how you got this done. thanks in advance joeri
  10. joeri


    via manual pireping its only possible to file via a active schedulle. wrong place moving it also
  11. joeri


    i also found a small bug in the financials: when edeting a pireps finace like the flight cost it will adjut it forthe pirep but in the finacials repots it keeps the old value so when i adjust a pirep the finance woill stay wrong. gr joeri
  12. putting a lock on it so this isn't getting anny further out off control. we all made our point.
  13. my last question to you have you ever read the manual in options/usersettings is an option search by flight if you activate this you need to enter the flightnumber and press get schedulle and it will retrive it iff you leave the option blank just hit get flight bid info and it retrives the first bid you made. This would enforce certain workflow and there would be less people saying "this doesn't work" (like I just did ;-) you are the first one actually complaining that mutch. BTW I don't see the Load (aircraft) button doing anything other than trying to do something. Getting there, like this ACARS indeed! this works perfectly.
  14. i belive that is his problem he cant see the bids try and run the checkinstall plz see iff anny files got corupted
  15. joeri

    Fatal Error

    find it strange that its running out off mem with 14k schedulles thats all for 1 airline?
  16. i am gonna awnser a few off your questions. -Don't really know what the "Select Aircraft" accomplishes, how would it know which of the many a/c should it load? I mean, For example for this flight could have used my freeware (PAD) DHC6 instead of the Aerosoft DHC6. it doens't look for the aircraft You chosen it can change an aircraft stored in your database. -It did not detect I rached cruise altitude, nor it detected I was in the descent phase. It went from Climbing to Landed. working perfect on my system using both the payed and free kacars. -Would be nice to use color coding for the square shaped result areas that are displayed below Get Flight Bid Info, Start Flight, etc. It would better alert the user because black simply appears to be like any other button rather than a message to the user. this is done in the payed version and not in the free version. -Does the Clear PIREP asks the user if he/she really wants to clear it? I was afraid to try in order not to lose my first PIREP :-) I am missing the profile feature. it does -Would be more intuitive if the Connect/Disconnect and Log In states are more visible than just printing the status in the space below (that looks almost like a button itself). Color coding really highlights it. it give a green box in version 1.9 now imho i think lately you are doing nothing els but complaying about phpvms and now also kacars. you say you are a developer iff you want to get some respect from everybody here instead off complaying about things make a module and earn your respect and then give comments to other persons. iff anny off the other mods or people here take an offence from this post let me know and i will delete it but i was getting a bid fed up with seeing this forum got flood with only critesism. gr me
  17. disregard i was doing something stupid
  18. i am getting this error Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class kACARS_Free in /usr/www/users/accessq/city/core/modules/kACARS_Free Module - v1.0.0.9/kACARS_Free Module - v1.0.0.9.php on line 404 am i doing something stupid
  19. nice thanks mate
  20. maby you schould read better.he doesn't want to look at it when he is on his phone,you can always go back to the admin and take a look at the pirep after he gets back on a decent computer.
  21. joeri


    @keith i know what it means @ roger never to old to learn
  22. joeri


    yeah thats right Roger soma here i took over a va and it had like 300 bil in its deposit i asked the former owner how he got there he sayed i have aboud 1 mil a flight profit yeah,then whats the point in using it. off topic.Roger did you know you speak Dutch "d ouche" in dutch is shower
  23. joeri

    Acars Map

    with xacars there is no data off time and distance use kacars instead
  24. joeri


    look in the forum problem has been adressed
  25. i had the same but i looged out and in again and it worked seems as you choose the link after install to go back to the mainpage you get the error
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