working like a charm now with the pagnation
only question dave is where can i change it no i have this
but i would like
i looked at the pagnation but i can't seem to find it
thanks in advance joeri
i have payed hosting on don't use anny thing free now when i have an error on the server i calle them and it gets fixed iff i need a different php setting ore something i call en it get done.on free hostings you are stuck to the setting they want and iff you do a search here in the forum on free hosting you will see what i mean.
gr joeri
and then i was looking in the rules i found 1 nice thingy
§9. Wenn ein Server zu viel oder auch zu wenig Traffic verbraucht, ist KTS dazu berechtigt, den Server ohne Vorwarnung zu löschen.
rouph transaltion iff you use it to mush or junt not enouph thay will close the server whitout anny written notis
that is just big BS why then having a frre server iff they can close it when they want on a payed server atleast they can't close it iff there is low attandance
pm me your skype or msn i see what we i can theach a broke college man with 3 kids to take care of.
i am not a super painter but i can handel a paintbrush
here are some examples this is a paint i made for simpilot in the NEA gloriedays
2 paints for dgv a dutch va
and some repaints for teca virtual
but i cant find those screens annymore
but just look at their site and you see them
gr joeri
it will give this error everywhere as all acars can't notich you are making a refeul stop best thing you can do is to split the flight in to 2 seperat flights using maby a letter als follow up ex fligh123a flight123b
ich hoffe diese info helpft dig weitar.