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Everything posted by joeri

  1. joeri


    indeed the finance is a bid off i also asked Nabeel iff he has time to make thats part a bid more interesting. also i have look to reset finance but could not find it
  2. iff you are done then i will lock this tread
  3. hello sir the mass email works fine on my install i am on the beta and the release version. the smtp part is an addon so you could configure it via that but i don't use it and all my emails go normal on my va's the next thing i want to tell you don't expect manny support for a free hosting as they will bring you lots off problems and manny headackes.
  4. wrong place moving it
  5. first you are installing now you ere updating and you never say iff its working can you login now on your site and the previus screen yes you can delete the install folder after you installed it.
  6. its there he is just not calling the whole site correct its completly to the right
  7. are you trying to update or do a fresh install iff you do an update this error is normal i think as i got it also everytim i updated and retried the site iff you do your first install its not install/update.php you need to do but install/install.php
  8. i belive there is nog exeptance only in cargo/pax i belive
  9. site looks good only your banner needs to be some px smaller as its not fully on there
  10. you can add these hours to the transfer hour part.and then i always do a recalculate hours the they show
  11. sneaky indeed this morgning it wasn't showing at all.
  12. in the ruling off phpvms its clearly stated that you need to link back to here and you havent done it i presume as you don't know anny thing about anny payment look here http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3462-phpvms-no-attribution-license/ gr joeri
  13. are u using vafs or phpvms iff you use vafs i find it a bid strange that you make advertisement off your va on an other platform. and iff u use both i can't find the powerd by phpvms link so my question is did you pay the 45$ to Nabeel or just deleted the powerd by part.
  14. yes same for u but you schould be complete correct to the fellow US users as we in belgium don't have thanksgiving ge joeri
  15. this is not the way you get staff to help you for your va. and i belive most of the people here ar staff/owner of va's but then again i wish you good luck with your new va
  16. wierd the site is working for me
  17. no problem i jusqt didn't know iff you where still going to do it it seems as its getting closer to the end off the year we all are getting bussyer
  18. bumping this one up again. Jeff are you still working on this or did you put this in the fridge for a unknow time why i am asking this is i have 3 airlines and some verry old pilots and they keep screwing things up when altering the url or the other things in kacars gr joeri
  19. i think your server is out off memory you should contact your host
  20. joeri


    indeed you cant ask that but i just deleted all the links to the old fsacars ini downloads so new pilots will need to switch to the free or pay version off kacars. but i belive Vbird its pilts list already a list off staying pilots. gr joeri
  21. joeri


    hey cor i also never had anny problems but they stopped development on fsacars so on one point we (phpvms user) where helping out others(phpvms users)because fsacars wasn't working in the line off normall errors database error or not installing it correct so we where going to mush off thrack at that point Nabeel decided to stop supporting fsacars, and Jeff gave us the verry nice kacars. gr joeri
  22. joeri


    yeah i am also curios on what sort off problems you encounter on kacars as i use both the free and a pay version
  23. joeri


    fsacars isn't supported annymore try to use the great kacars or xacars
  24. quick question there ussed to be vaflash whare we could post news and it hooked to the vacentral server is/will this be possible with your site that would be 1 more plus for your site
  25. Nabeeeeeellllll
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